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what do you wear for you SO on Skype????

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    what do you wear for you SO on Skype????

    When you and your SO Skype do you wear something sexy or just whatever? I usually just wear boxers and a t-shirt, just because of the time and want to be comfortable. He has a favorite color though, and today I went shopping for it.

    Love to hear your thoughts and replies, thank you.

    I think at first I would wear something cute and put some makeup on for him, but I really don't care anymore. We practically share a bedroom we skype so much, so we see each other getting dressed and in every stage of the day lol. Pajamas, a towel, nothing, nice clothes, work clothes... It's just whatever I happen to be wearing at the time of the call. Honestly, I'd say most of the time that we talk I'm in bed naked lol. Occasionally if I feel like he hasn't seen me done up in a while I'll take my hair down and put a little make up on for him.
    Last edited by melarie; December 6, 2013, 06:34 PM.
    "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


      Just whatever. And when I want to surprise him, I put on some nice underwear, but most of the time, I don't really care.


        Well I used to wear make up for him, but I don't do it on purpose anymore. He has never commented about my make up, I wear very little. But same time I don't think he cares if I was to wear it or not. But with clothes, most of the time I'm just comfortable. Most of the time though he usually asks what are you wearing and I will tell or at times show. I usually lay down while we Skype, just more comfortable to look at my computer. I don't feel so sexy, just have issues with the way my body looks. Being with him, I really don't care though. He tells me not to worry he like me just the way that I am. Skype though is different since he isn't right beside me. Anyway I went and bought his favorite color today. I bought a white camisole, nothing major but its the color that he wants. As well I bought some sexy white panties. He tortured me a little last night (good torture) just thought I would return the favor tonight.

        As you can see I'm new to all this. I just spent an entire week with him for Thanksgiving and it was amazing. Just want to do something special for him and see his face.

        Thank you for your thoughts and replies, and anymore that follow.


          I never purposefully dress up on Skype anymore. We lived together for three months over the summer, he's seen me all dolled up, with bed hair, drenched in sweat and almost passing out, and laying in bed with a fever. He doesn't really care about what I look like, as long as I am myself.

          When I want to give a little treat I just get changed in front of my webcam instead of in the bathroom :P
          So, here you are
          too foreign for home
          too foreign for here.
          Never enough for both.

          Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


            To cute Ejoriah. I don't get all dolled either. I love to be comfortable and its whatever. But someone was teasing and torturing last night. I told him he would regret it and show that tomorrow. So I went shopping and now when we go to Skype tonight I plan on showing him what I bought. I'm not into cyber sex or whatever its called now. Just not for me, but I just thought I would put a huge unexpected smile on his face.

            When I visited him I dressed up twice. First just because, we didn't go anywhere just felt like it. Had a long day at work and came home to his gf (me) looking sexy. The other we went out for dinner. I had no care in the world I was proud to be next to my man holding hands, even though sexy black dress while he wore jeans and a hoodie.


              Originally posted by kelley&dale View Post
              what do you wear for you SO on Skype????
              first met in 2008 -- started talking online again in 2011 -- decided to go on a date in 2012 -- actually started dating on our first visit in August 2013 --
              second visit in February 2014 -- third visit in June 2014 -- fourth visit in September 2014


                Maybe one day, I will do that Anoulie. Props to you!!!!


                  I can be all comfy with him and has been, though I prefer not to (unless I am sick). I Skype mostly with him in the evening/early night. That means that my clothes/make up will not be so nice anymore and I like to get a fresh-up since it will be his first image of me in the day. Often I put on a dress or a top that shows a bit of skin and fix my make-up before talking, like I would if I would go out. Hair is also important. When I am washing my hair I often wash and style it just before calling him, and he always comments upon my hair looking good when I do. And of course shave, at least if I plan anything seductive. I look good in most of my underwear I think, but I will not like play about in underwear, I will just drop them if I plan to take anything of! It is dammned cold here in December so I would never just sit and talk for hours in the nude even if I always pre-heat the room, he would go all protective on me too ("will you not catch a cold?". I usually sit in the living room talking because it has the best lightning. He lives with other guys and does not have his own room, so I always ask where the others are before dropping clothes.

                  I went to see him this weekend and then I was not so preoccupied with the makeup (I was with hair and clothes though, at least outside of bed). I mind about the makeup on cam because I feel I look so pale if I don't, because the lighting here makes everything look blurred.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                    Anything and nothing! I think variety is very important, even more in a Skype relationship. I like to dress casually sometimes, like jeans and tight t-shirts/sweaters, then sometimes I'll dress up for a special evening. Often I will wear something sexy, very hot lingerie, and occasionally I'll be naked. My SO's favorite seems to be something sexy, but not completely revealing - just a little view to tease. I'll wear heels no matter what I have on or don't have on, because he loves them. I'll walk around so he can see them. He appreciates the effort I make to look nice for him, and he loves never knowing what I'm going to be wearing!

