This is a touchy subject. I was wondering if there are any milsos on here who have a successful relationship with a military spouse , being a significant other with anxiety, depression, ocd, or any other mental illness? I ask this because I struggle with anxiety in a form of ocd that I’m currently treating. That being said, I can’t help but wonder what it’s like to move away from your family and friends for the one you love having a condition as such. How do you do it?
I fear moving and struggling with my mind alone as I’m aware military significant others are busy on duties. I know someone out there has got to struggle of a mental illness of some sort who managed to move and beat their fear for the one they love? I imagine it is possible for your military significant other to make a relationship work if you both put in work and support one another in every aspect possible but I fear I won’t be perfect enough for him
I fear moving and struggling with my mind alone as I’m aware military significant others are busy on duties. I know someone out there has got to struggle of a mental illness of some sort who managed to move and beat their fear for the one they love? I imagine it is possible for your military significant other to make a relationship work if you both put in work and support one another in every aspect possible but I fear I won’t be perfect enough for him
