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Teens have you met your SO yet?!

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    Teens have you met your SO yet?!

    I met my SO on an anime-style mmorpg game called, Luna Online in 2010. We signed up the same day and we met in game and immediately became great friends. Soon we became something more and have been get together since then! Finally this Friday, he and his family are coming to visit me >_< I am so nervous yet very happy! Sadly he is only staying in my city for a day because he and his family are going to another part of my state for vacation. He invited me but my parents are very skeptical about it... Hopefully they will change their mind...but I won't push it :b

    I am just grateful that I will get to see him him for the first time.
    We are planning on going laser tagging, going to the beach, and probably out to eat.

    Teens, have you met your SO yet? What was it like? How did your parents react?

    I personally know mine in person from high school, but maybe I can give you some advice??

    Have your parents talked to your SO? If they get to know him, even if it is just a little, it may ease their minds a bit to know who their kid is with. I know it's not much, but it may be a start c:


      Sadly, not yet. We've been dating for more than 2 years. Our parents know about us. Just money is our problem as he is in the States and I'm in Canada. Quite difficult for young teens without jobs to visit another country. He's worth waiting for though!


        My SO and I met before we actually started dating. It was COMPLETELY by chance (a situation similar to yours. I saw him that night and then he and his family went to a different city the next day). He just so happened to be staying in town that night. Now, my curfew is normally nine, but since my parents trust me, we don't usually bother with it as long as I check in with them every now and then. Mom and Dad both knew about him, knew he was my best friend and we were interested in each other yadda yadda and I had known him for years. My friends and I were hanging out at a restaurant (we'd all gotten hungry after an hour at the park) when I got the text. I hopped up from the table, paid for my food and I was off, letting the girl that was with me and knew what was going on explain. I waited for him at the hotel (of course, this was early January so I was freezing my butt off outside, so I decided to go inside). I called my mother while I was waiting and negotiated a ten-thirty curfew, and it was nine already! I was disappointed, but still glad that she was mostly okay with it. However, my dad called me a few seconds later and said that I had a midnight curfew (insert happy dance here because my Dad just rocks). So, it went well, all in all. It was pretty great. About three weeks later, he was in town again and we called it official. As for what it was like... I know it sounds cheesy, but, it was magical. I didn't feel stressed or anxious or worried for once in my life. I wasn't even insecure about my, ahem, poor figure. skye_michelle was actually with us, and at the time, we had the same phone. When we all met up at the coffee shop after I'd picked my SO up, Skye's SO (Kenny) plotted against us and switched our phones (like the jerks that they are). So it was a fun and great time.
        Speaking from experience, don't plan too much while your SO is there. They'll get tired SUPER easily. It's annoying, really XD
        Good luck!


          Originally posted by baileyellaine View Post
          My SO and I met before we actually started dating. It was COMPLETELY by chance (a situation similar to yours. I saw him that night and then he and his family went to a different city the next day). He just so happened to be staying in town that night. Now, my curfew is normally nine, but since my parents trust me, we don't usually bother with it as long as I check in with them every now and then. Mom and Dad both knew about him, knew he was my best friend and we were interested in each other yadda yadda and I had known him for years. My friends and I were hanging out at a restaurant (we'd all gotten hungry after an hour at the park) when I got the text. I hopped up from the table, paid for my food and I was off, letting the girl that was with me and knew what was going on explain. I waited for him at the hotel (of course, this was early January so I was freezing my butt off outside, so I decided to go inside). I called my mother while I was waiting and negotiated a ten-thirty curfew, and it was nine already! I was disappointed, but still glad that she was mostly okay with it. However, my dad called me a few seconds later and said that I had a midnight curfew (insert happy dance here because my Dad just rocks). So, it went well, all in all. It was pretty great. About three weeks later, he was in town again and we called it official. As for what it was like... I know it sounds cheesy, but, it was magical. I didn't feel stressed or anxious or worried for once in my life. I wasn't even insecure about my, ahem, poor figure. skye_michelle was actually with us, and at the time, we had the same phone. When we all met up at the coffee shop after I'd picked my SO up, Skye's SO (Kenny) plotted against us and switched our phones (like the jerks that they are). So it was a fun and great time.
          Speaking from experience, don't plan too much while your SO is there. They'll get tired SUPER easily. It's annoying, really XD
          Good luck!
          The night she saw him, everything about her changed, and totally in a good way!! I hope all goes the same for you! :3


            I met my SO on an anime based text rpg and we met in real life at an anime convention a little less than 2 years ago. It was totally amazing and wonderful, although neither of our parents know about it yet

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


              Originally posted by skye_michelle View Post
              The night she saw him, everything about her changed, and totally in a good way!! I hope all goes the same for you! :3
              Hah, well, everyone said I kept glowing, but I thought that was only me XD. It was indeed a fantastic night. The first time in a long time I didn't fiddle with my shirt or worry about anything. Although, that prank they pulled on us with our phones was a little mean!


                Originally posted by baileyellaine View Post
                Hah, well, everyone said I kept glowing, but I thought that was only me XD. It was indeed a fantastic night. The first time in a long time I didn't fiddle with my shirt or worry about anything. Although, that prank they pulled on us with our phones was a little mean!
                I was!! >:c it made me sooo mad!!!


                  Originally posted by skye_michelle View Post
                  I was!! >:c it made me sooo mad!!!
                  We should beat them up. XD


                    I met my SO before we started dating. But pretty much within the first second of meeting each other, puppy love was in the air it was as if everything was perfect, life we had known each other our whole lives. we've been together for almost 3 years now. A year after we met and the second time I ever saw him, he met my dad. I was super nervous, like how you must be. But, they shook hands, and were both super polite together. My SO knew where his boundaries were, and so did my dad everything turned out really well. Don't worry too much about meeting your SO for the first time! I'm sure it'll work out perfectly


                      We met when I was on a one week exchange programme at his school. For him, it was love at first sight, but it took me about a month to fall in love with him. My mother had met him over skype, and she immediately liked him. Luckily, he was allowed to stay at our house for 3 weeks that summer, when we had been dating for 5 months. He met my whole family, and everyone loved him so that made me really happy! I was so worried, I already saw everything going wrong, us getting into fights and not being able to spend those 3 weeks together, or that it would be awkward... Luckily, none of my worries came out, so everything has basically just been perfect ever since we started dating! This summer, I'll meet all of his family, and hopefully they like me as much as my family likes him!


                        We were CD before he left for college, soo... I have. I never had to go through the stressful 'what ifs' of meeting someone I feel in love with in person. My mom sort of did, though, but I don't think she was as freaked out about that. She had other problems at the time. I hope your meetings go smoothly, everyone!


                          Yep We went to the same school for 3 years and were in pretty much all the same classes where our classes were split (if that makes sense :/) And then after I'd moved away and we got to know each other better and started our relationship (I know, we did it in the wrong way round ) we met again after about 15 months, and he met my family, and then when we'd been in a relationship for about 7 months, I met his family
                          No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


                            Oh wow. That must be hard. My SO is just on the other side of the country (I live in the UK), and I haven't seen him since February, and I don't get to see him properly until the end of August. Good luck with it, I really hope that you get to see him soon


                              My parents understand, but they don't really care. I haven't met her in person yet, but will soon I could have came down for her birthday in like 10 days but her parents don't know me

