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Teens have you met your SO yet?!

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    My baby is coming in September~!!! o m f g so very excitinggg


      Late November/Early December when my man comes down here! He promises to spoil me with Christmas gifts and told me not to complain xD
      My mom is acting nutral about it, but I know she doesn't realize how much he means to me or else she would be super excited for me haha :3 She has already met him via video chat though, so she already knows him well enough. ^^
      ~Tell me every day that I get to wake up to that smile.~
      ~I wouldn't mind.~
      ~I wouldn' mind at all.~

      First Meeting:
      December 22nd


        I have We met on a dating site actually, even though neither of us really "believed" in that stuff, but it obviously worked for us We met about 7-8 months after starting to talk online, in another city where I was staying with my friends for a couple of days. I had told my mum earlier that I was going to see a guy that I met online that was a friend of a friend I have in England (which was obviously a lie, but it was mostly not to give her a heart attack), and she was cool with it as long as my friends were there. Only 3 days later he came to my place after I'd left the other city, but we weren't ready to part yet so I invited him over. He met all of my family, and I think my mum fell instantly in love with him xD They all got along great, and it didn't take long for my little sister to love him as well xD So everything went great with the whole family thing too, he's now met pretty much all of my relatives as well, and they're all getting along great!

        Met online: February 2011
        Met the first time: August 16, 2011


          Not yet, and I won't be able to go over there yet because of my heavy nursing course Hoping that once I qualify I can head out there and finally be with my other half for awhile. It would be a dream come true.

