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Ever feel like you're missing out?

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    Ever feel like you're missing out?

    My SO and I have been long distance for pretty much our whole high school careers. Sometimes we feel like we're missing out. No prom, no homecoming, no seeing each other's sporting events, no going out to lunch, no walking each other to class. Nothing like that. It just sucks sometimes. But now, it kind of feels like the norm. I don't get depressed when I see cute couples in the hallways anymore. That's pretty depressing within itself.

    I know other teens can relate. Tell some stories!

    I know what that feels like... I've only been long distance for the last 2 years of high school, but he's my first boyfriend so I don't even know what it feels like. Maybe that's what makes it a bit easier... I used to get really sad when I saw other couples like that too, but I think it gets easier to deal with after some time. I'll be together with him at college, so we'll be able to go to parties and all together soon.
    It feels like missing out at first, but you learn to appreciate how special an LDR is and how different other people's relationships are. But still, it does suck sometimes of course!


      A little, but not really? I get sad, of course, when I see other couples as I walk through the halls, but... then again, I realize that most of those relationships don't have the special bond that I have with my SO. Most will be broken up by the end of the month and it's sad that they feel the need to be all over each other all the time to be satisfied.
      Also, I managed to drag my SO to homecoming and prom once, so it worked out. It wasn't perfect, but it was how it was meant to be. I also occasionally had some guy friends offer to carry my things for me, so it was nice. I didn't really feel like I was missing out on too much. I think people thought I was really lonely, and I likely was a bit, but they never saw me with my SO and when we were together it was obvious how much he made me happy and that made waiting much easier.
      Now I'm going to the same college as him in the fall and everything was so worth it.


        God, I feel missing so much!!

        We come from the same high school but we chose different universities, hence we are LD. I remember wanting to cry during my graduation because they were playing songs about never leaving if you tie someone to your heart and that sort of stuff. Lots of people cried because they were finishing a step in life and I felt like crying because I knew my SO would move away in two weeks.

        I kind of got over that later but sometimes it feels kind of bitter... he could not be there when I was given a diploma for getting the best average of my career last semester. I could not go see his arts exposition at a museum, and we missed each other's birthdays too. We missed our anniversary even, and at Christmas we could not even call each other.

        I just hope things will get better eventually... we'll be LD until we major, so we are several years away from that. Still, I've gotten better at dealing with it. It's normal now for me.


          I used to always want that kind of relationship, the being lovey dovey, walking each other to classes etc. but then right before my Sophomore year I met my SO and I never got that chance, I hated seeing couples around campus because they had exactly what I wanted and they didn't even know how lucky they were. But now when I look back at my high school years all I think about is my SO, what I was talking to him about when I was in walking to class, the flowers I would send him pictures of from the school greenhouse, drawing him pictures in class, and honestly I wouldn't trade it for the world.

          Met: 8.17.09
          Started Dating: 8.20.09
          First Met: 10.2.10
          Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


            Originally posted by Sora1101 View Post
            I used to always want that kind of relationship, the being lovey dovey, walking each other to classes etc. but then right before my Sophomore year I met my SO and I never got that chance, I hated seeing couples around campus because they had exactly what I wanted and they didn't even know how lucky they were. But now when I look back at my high school years all I think about is my SO, what I was talking to him about when I was in walking to class, the flowers I would send him pictures of from the school greenhouse, drawing him pictures in class, and honestly I wouldn't trade it for the world.
            It's true, I also kind of envy those who have their SO's at campus... but well, they do not get to send letters, make drawings and plenty of other things. I also love that part of being LDR and actually my friends say we are a super romantic couple!


              I get sad when I see other couples together but I don't think I'm missing out. People at my school can't really call what they are going dating most of the time. They're just doing it just to say that they're with someone. I'm not saying that everyone is but the majority of people are.


                I feel like I'm missing out, not on like social events, but when she gets to go out to dinners or hang out with friends. I just wanna be there and have the good time with her instead I'm stuck being alone, kinda sucks.

