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How to pass the time

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    How to pass the time

    Anyone know anyways to pass the time besides the standard phone call and Skyping and texting?

    Pass time together? Or make time go by faster separately until you have time together?
    If the 2nd, I'd say work or school. If you still have too much time, get a second job :P lol
    The extra money will come in handy when you do have time together!


      I agree with the previous poster, try and keep yourself and your mind busy and time will fly by! It's been 2 weeks already since my SO left, and it feels like it's just been a day or something, so it really does help If you're asking about passing time with your SO, then try watching a film together over Skype if your connection allows it! You can also play games together (go to an online-multiplayer-kind of website and play against each other while talking on Skype! Me and my SO do this a lot, battleships for instance, and it is great to be able to laugh at each other whenever someone messes up ;D), or maybe even cook dinner together if your time difference allows it! Or why not just read a book together, just keep Skype on and read with the webcam on, it's actually a really nice pasttime, or at least for me and my SO

      Met online: February 2011
      Met the first time: August 16, 2011


        Write letters/ send packages! its a lot more personal then e-mail and you can surprise eachother by not telling when you send something, its cute and gives you a concrete object that can remind them of you

