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I promised her I'd do my best?

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    I promised her I'd do my best?

    My family doesn't want me dating her or anyone right now, since I'm 15. I tried to tell my parents about her, but I honestly think I screwed up big time. I could have done a better job, but they got me when they asked me for my definition of love, and my father brought up his own experiences, a girlfriend in high school and even a rebound. He doesn't want me going through heartbreak and such. I can't start looking for girls until college. It was until after college, but it looks like my father trimmed it down. However, I can't be with the girl I currently like.

    I'm not even sure if they would approve of her when I'm 18, unless we end up meeting. My family (my dad, sister and brother in law, all older than 18, mom doesn't have much say in this, but agrees with them) wants me to stop talking to her and the rest of my online friends. In fact, I was supposed to stop talking to them about a month ago. I've stopped talking to all but 2, her and one of my best friends. I'm beginning to stop talking to one of my best online friends as well, so soon it will only be her left, and maybe not even her.

    I sent her a email promising her 3 things:
    1. I'd never forget her
    2. No matter how long we stayed without communication, I would do my best to find my way back to her, whether it be Twitter, Facebook, email, texting, calling, Youtube, whatever.
    3. I would call her and wish her Happy Birthday this coming November.

    As for the 1st and 3rd promise, I know for sure that I can keep those. The 2nd, I will do my best to get in contact with her again. Honestly, I don't think I would mind if she moved on during the time we didn't speak. The way it looks, if and when I decide to stop talking to her, if I ever do decide to do so, we won't be talking for at the hopefully most, 3-4 years. That's a long time. Sure, if she moved on, the transition from love to friend would be a bit hard, but I think it would be possible, given that we didn't end on bad terms the last time we spoke.

    Were my promises realistic? Any advice for this situation I'm in would really be appreciated

    Okay, I've read a few of your threads and I finally decided to say something here.
    Do you want to cut contact with her? It is admirable of you to respect your parents wishes, but sometimes you know what you want more than they do. Maybe try to compromise with them and let them know that you cut contact with everyone except two people. Talk with them and find out why they are so adamant about this. Maybe you can make a deal with them where you can still talk to these people if you continue to do what you're supposed to do. If the two of you can hold out a friendship together and be only friends until you are out of high school then, why exactly, do your parents not want you talking to her at all? .. or any of your online friends for that matter?

    I know that your parents probably have your well being in mind, but sometimes parents forget what it's like to be younger and try to force their children into sacrificing their happiness for a change at hopefully, not even a guarantee of, a better future. If you are allowed to have friends in real life, in the area around you, there is no reason that you shouldn't also be allowed to have your online friends as well, as long as you keep your grades up and don't fall into anything bad, form bad habits, etc. No one should be miserable just for the hope of doing well in life, there should be some type of balance there.

    As for your question, I do think that your promises can be realistic if you follow through with them. People grow and change. By the time those 3-4 years are over you may not want to contact her again, or she may not want to contact you again, it just depends on how life goes and how things play out for the both of you.
    "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
    This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

    "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
    Por siempre, mi amor. ♥

