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I could see him for my birthday?!

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    I could see him for my birthday?!

    hello hello,

    I should have asked this site sooner, but I just realized I could do it here! So the thing is, I'm having my birthday party/hangout on Veteran's day. I wanted more of a party, but I had no motivation since I knew I couldn't see my boyfriend. Then I figured, if I have just a hangout at a nearby mall, I can finally see him after not being able to see each other for about 4 months!

    The problem is, I really have to not get caught from my mother, for she hates him like he's the devil. And for the record, he hasn't done anything wrong... My mom is just going crazy about our ethnic and age difference. ):

    Any suggestions where I could have an actual party and see him? places I could sneak date with him? Honestly, if I can hug him for even five seconds... that's all I need. I don't need anything else...


    Angela and her wishes!

    P. S. It's almost our one year! (:

    im confused are you close distance or long distance?


      the thing is that we live close, but 1. he goes to college, 2. My mother will not let me be within a 5 mile radius of him, and 3. We can't see each other until I am in college. So to us, it's technically not PHYSICALLY an LDR, but it's pretty much the same thing since we expected to not be able to see each other until 3 years later. Err, sorry if I don't fit in with the typical LDRs... )x Now that I think of it, I joined because I thought he was going out of state for college. But he goes to a college in state, which actually doesn't matter and has the same effect of being on the other sides of the world (besides the time difference) since we can't see each other due to my mother. Gah I feel like I don't actually belong now... ahaha.


        I get the whole being close but being far apart thing completely. I've been right were you stand. The thing is... from past experiences and those of my close friends, sneaking around isn't the best of ideas. You say he's in college and your mother wont let you see him? I'm guessing that the age gap might be that of which could possibly get him into trouble. If that is the case, you don't want to make your mother upset with the situation. It could have even worse backlash then not seeing him now.


          No of course you belong here I was just confused about the LDR relationship status, is the age difference quite big because some parents are over protective and only looking out for their children to make them safe and not get hurt. Maybe if you talk with your mum about the relationship or even introduce your SO to your mum

