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Tell me about your long distance relationships ! :)

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    We met through an online dating site. Both had profiles there. I had clicked on his coz I saw his picture and liked it and wanted to see the profile (nut found his introduction text I didnt message him or anything). But the site tells you if some one has looked at your profile.
    After been on the site for about a week or so and having had one bad experience with a guy whom I was chatting to for a week (and having dated guys in my own country for nearly half a year) I felt sick and tired of the whole male population and deactivated my account (you cant totally "destroy" it). Just seconds after that I got a nudge and an email (an email within the site) from HIM. Curiosity got the better of me, I had activate my account to read the message. This was early last June.
    From then on we emailed each other through the site and after two weeks changed our real email addresses, started sending photoes etc. Later onto messenger. In the end of July we exchanged mobile numbers. In early August I told him I had a crush on him and he then replied that he felt the same. At the end of August I booked tickets to travel to UK to meet for the first time, this took place in end of October, it was a long weekend. He had booked us a holiday in a villa It was lovely. But I was uncertain of his feelings towards me to start with because he is shy. I wished he had kissed me the first evening. Lol. There were loads of perfect moments like in the jaccuzzi But I really love him being like that, that he doesnt throw himself on women.
    We had a lovely time and having to leave home was awfull. After he left at the airport I cried my eyes out.
    Then he came to see me for a long weekend between christmas and new year. It was even better than the first time, coz first times are always first times.
    And now we are counting days untill I go and visit him for easter. Can't wait!
    We message, chat etc everyday.
    Haven't had an argument or anything yet, so still in the beginning of the relationship. We have loads in common, share the same sence of humour etc.
    I just love him so much and never thought I could find someone so lovely


      When you find your love one there is no distance between both of you because he/she is always be with you in your thoughts,Dreams etc.I find my first girlfriend at a dating site she is from west London.I don't met her but still we had relationship and we connected with each other through social media.


        My SO and I met in Yahoo Pool (That part of the story always makes me laugh) We didn't talk much but kept IM'ing and playing pool together for quite a few months. One day he msg'd me out of the blue and asked how far away I was from Lincoln, NE and that the airplane he works on had to go there for engine work and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up for dinner. Of course I said yes and we had a great time. There are 21 years between us and we've been together for years....I love him to bits!


          We met when we were 6 and 8 became friends when we were 14 and 16 became a couple in July 2011 when we were 18 and 20 we have been together for just over a year and a half and he is moving away for work in 3 days... I have no idea what i am going to do.... I know my situation is opposite to most as we started with no distance and now we are going long distance but i feel like im losing my best friend


            We met online in February 2012, in the first weeks we barely talked, but we had Skype, but one day we started having a nice long conversation and we talked about a lot and made silly jokes and it was amazing, we became best friends and we opened up to each and became really close. Back at the time I had a crush on my Italian exchange student, however when I went there it was a debacle and she kissed a friend of mine right in front me when I was about to tell her how I felt about her, this of course left me heart broken and depressed.

            However, when I returned and she got online she was really caring and she got me out of that depression and then I realized that she was the person I was looking for and that my crush for the Italian girl blinded that. We stayed best friends, but there was a moment that I just couldn't stop myself and told her about my feelings, and luckily she felt just the same and since then we talk every day (messaging though) and we call when we can on Skype. We've been through a lot already but we're still strong and over 15.000 messages and counting. She means the world for me and I hope that I can meet her soon.


              Me and Frank met on Facebook 2 years ago, and after hard times and misunderstandings we realized we were in love and it took a long time but finally we started our relationship, and I couldn't be happier.
              He is American, tall, red hair, blue eyes and epic smile.
              I am Italian, short, blonde hair and pure silliness xD
              I can't wait to see him in May. He is my everything


                I met my SO on a forum website 7 years ago. We were friends for most of that time until about 6-7 months ago we revealed to each other that we liked the other more than friends. From there we started our LDR. I live in Minnesota (U.S.) & he lives in northern England. I'm so excited because we're going to have our first visit in June. I'm flying over there to see him for 2 weeks. I wish the time would fly by so I can see him.
                *First visit- 6/15/13-6/29/13*

                *Second Visit- 6/21/14-7/5/14*

                *My part of the K-1 Visa approved on 10/23/14*

                *Fiancé had his Medical Appt. on 2/16/15*

                *Fiancé's Visa Interview Appt and approved on 4/13/15*

                *Fiancé received his Fiance Visa on 4/20/15*

                *Closing the distance on 5/22/15*


                  I met my feller at the end of last year on an online game called Allods Online. He became my mentor on one of my lower characters and he asked me out of the blue if I wanted to marry my main character to his main character. I thought why the heck not and said yea sure :P Best thing I ever did on that game! Since then we've been speaking every day and fallen very hard for each other He wants to wait till we meet in person to make things official, but our first meeting is going to be in June I can't wait.


                    Met my SO on a site called Bebo through roleplaying. Started talking in real life in 2010 so I guess you could say that's when our relationship officially started. I don't know when we're going to meet in reality but we had our first video chat a little over a week ago. I love him and I wouldn't trade him for anyone.


                      We met online last New Year. Yep, new relationship. I just came out of a six-year tumultuous relationship, and he was still recovering from a more devastating breakup with his ex of one year. We talked about his dogs, and how much we both loved dogs, talked about our lives and discovered that we had the exact same taste in almost everything.

                      He then asked if he can see a photo of me after talking for 24 hours straight because he thought he already likes me because we were able to cry together over our similar lives, laugh about our similar taste in things, and share how both of us were hurt by people whom we loved. We talked on Skype and when he saw my face he just stared at me for about ten minutes and told me that he thinks I am really beautiful (i'm not, duh) and he said he fell in love at first sight. We've been together since.

                      Two months and still young, but I'm willing to make this last. He's about to visit on our sixth month together, or anytime before Christmas this year.


                        I met the boy I love last year in october... he is the first boy I really love, and he's also the first boy who said that he loves me, cause in fact I never had a boyfriend before. We met at Omegle (a chat roulette) then we added each other on skype and after 3 days we already couldn't handle it anymore and he said that he loves me and I said the same. But he's from Morocco and I am from Germany, that's not just a distance of miles, that's a distance of our cultures aswell. But I love him so much, it is a really true love and even that I never had a boyfriend or so before, I know that he's the right one and that I want to spend my life together with him. I can't imagine how it would be to loose him and I don't want to imagine that too. We even haven't met each other yet, but he wants to come to me this year, but because of school and stuff we won't make it maybe... then I'll see him only the next year then or so.... but I love him so much and that's why I'll wait for him. He is my everything <333


                          i've only just got into my long distance relationship. Skyler lives in the USA and i live in England. My parents know about him and are happy for me to be with him. He is 20 and I'm 16 but that doesn't change anything. I'm planning on going to meet him for the first time in July/August but my mum is a bit cautious about me going to a foreign country alone to meet someone i have never met. We speak on skype everyday and text all the time and i know he isnt going to hurt me in anyway but persuading my mum is becoming a problem. I'm really happy and all i want is to meet the man i think is the one so we can start something special. anyone got any advice?


                            I had a boyfriend back then, but I was so unhappy with life and how everything turned out to be after we moved together and the fact that I was going to marry him and live this unhappy life with him forever.
                            At that point in my life where I was at the bottom - no college degree, missed classes all the time because of my ongoing depression, no friends, no self-esteem, no nothing - I met Stephen and he made me feel important, happy and as if my life has had meaning. Plus he was the first man in my life who made me feel beautiful. We started out as friends, I liked him a lot, he liked me, but it took us - mostly me - a long time to realize his feelings for me where more serious than I thought.
                            I had to decide - stay with my boyfriend whom I had nothing in common anymore, who hasn't kissed me for 3 months nor done anything affectionate for that matter or leave him to be with my soulmate who understood every part of me better than I understood it myself.
                            Well we're close to being together for 11 months and I have never regretted leaving my ex

                            Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                            First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                            Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                            Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                            Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                            Married: 1/24/2015
                            Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                              Been talking online since January 30th. I guess you could say we are officially "courting" as he likes to call it as of a few weeks ago. We both became really good friends before we fell for each other and now I truly know in my heart that we are meant to be together. Problem is convincing my parents to give him a chance. But were praying for guidance and hopefully soon well get to finally meet and hold one another.


                                Wellll I met the awesomeness that is my fiance almost 4 years ago in '10. I was playing World of Warcraft on a privately owned server and they were looking for people to become Game Masters on their server. He was head of the US Game Masters department and so I had to be hired through him. So that's how we met. First thing I fell in love with was his voice on team speak and how cute it was that he was so shy around me at first. We wound up dating for a bit in the beginning but then things happened and we had to end it. We remained friends for most of the time after that with the exception of a fight we had where we didn't speak for about 3 months. Finally in July of '12 we started talking again & then we started dating again Aug. 1 '12 & we've been together now for almost 9 months & we got engaged in Jan. on his visit. We'll be closing the distance in June and getting married next year. I've never been more happier in my entire life or with anyone else as much I have been with him.

                                ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

                                We Met: June 9,2010
                                Back Together: August 1,2012
                                First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
                                Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
                                Engaged: January 17,2013
                                Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
                                Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
                                We Got Married! - July 3,2014
                                SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
                                Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015

