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Forbiden Love

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    Teens Forbiden Love

    I dont want to make this very long. Im not a full teen just yet, im almost there. But i think i have found the love of my life already. But the problem is that i am not allowed to see him. Which kills me. But i continue to see him. We both love each other very very much. We are a perfect match for each other

    Originally posted by roybailey5-2-13 View Post
    Im not a full teen just yet, im almost there.
    What is a full teen?


      A teen who has eaten too much food?

      I can guarantee with ~98% accuracy that you have not found the love of your life, because people change a lot during puberty. You are also far too young to know what marital love is.


        So you are 11-13? Not quite a teen yet. If that is the case, you are still a child and if your parents don't want you to see someone it is still well in their right to say so.


          she is 14 but yeah listen to your parents take it slow explane that you like him very much and that you will see him anyway and ask if you could invite him, because that is better than sneeking of to see each other
          i have to admit that i would have the sense to listen more to my parents when i was that age, they are not always right but they do most of the time.
          and just in case (i hope i dont need to) be sensible have safe sex please!


            If you are, like your ticker says, 14.... Do you even know who you are? I'll be quite frank here. At 14 I was a freshman in high school. At 14 I thought I was going to be an English teacher or an artist. 11 years later, I am an engineer. I realized I'm horrible at art, and to be a teacher means you have to deal with the kids' parents (not something I wanted to do).

            Take a step back. Listen to your parents - they do know what they see talking about.

            2016 Goal: Buy a house.
            Progress: Complete!

            2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
            Progress: Working on it.


              Wow, this thread escalated quite quickly.

              @roybailey, have you ever spoken to your parents about why they disapprove? Is it because they feel you're too young to be dating him? Is he too old for you (in which case, I would pay them mind, no matter how miserable you feel about it)? Is it because they feel you're too young to be dating in general? Or is it because you met him online and they're concerned he might not be who he says he is? The first thing to do is understand your parents' frame of mind, because I can guarantee that they're doing what they need to do to look out for you, as opposed to doing it out of spite, malicious intent, or wanting you to never fall in love. Secondly, here's the thing about love and finding the love of your life. If you're meant to be with someone, you'll find your way to that person regardless of the obstacles. Sometimes you meet someone and there's a connection and sometimes that person develops into something more, but sometimes it does it across a different time frame than we would like. I liked my ex pretty much out of the get go, but we didn't start dating until almost 3 years later. That 3 year difference allowed us to be in a different place financially, with our parents, etc. and so our relationship was more successful than had we jumped the gun because we both became infatuated with each other early on. You have to understand that by sneaking out and around to see him, you are compromising something (your parent's trust) that's more valuable than a guy and that no guy should ask you to sacrifice. Even when break-ups - heck, even divorces - happen, oftentimes, you have only your family to rely upon, and sometimes wounds like this can take so much time to heal that it's not worth inflicting in the first place. In the end, I get that you do what you'll want. You're 13, 14, old enough to stop caring about all that you still need from mom and dad but, unfortunately, still young enough to need it. I would think about whether or not you're prepared to deal with the consequences that would come of lying to them and breaking their trust because they WILL find out. It's not a matter of "if." It's a matter of when. I had a great deal of freedom as a teenager but I was given that freedom because I was honest, trustworthy, and made responsible choices. Once you're found out about lying, that's it, you've been found out about lying, and more serious restrictions are oftentimes imposed as a result. You're giving up a lot for this boy and you might not be able to see it until you've already lost it, but you should never have to damage anyone or anything for a relationship that's meant to be. Relationships aren't effortless, but they should fall into place without having to be deceiving of people who love you probably more than you even know.

