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Trip Proposal Letter?

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    Teens Trip Proposal Letter?

    I'm in the process of convincing my parents to let me see my SO this summer and have been writing a letter for them to read while i explain to them what im asking for, but i want it to be really good, would anyone on here be willing to look at is and suggest things that may improve it? it would be a HUGE help at my SO and i have edited as much as we can think of but would love a couple of new sets of eyes!
    Thanks <3

    Distance tears couples apart. But if we can get through over a year without even meeting... Thats special...

    Do your parents know about him? Have they talked to him on the phone/Skype/etc? The first step, if you haven't already, would be to establish trust between them and your SO. As you are a teenager, they are likely concerned for your safety even more than if you were older - this isn't a fault by any means, though I know it may seem overbearing. I know I thought my mom could be!

    I dont know what else you have written, but I would definitely include how you plan on paying for it (if you're going to cover expenses or kick in). If you are raising money, that is a way to prove the seriousness of your meeting. Good luck.


      I can't be of much help either since I have no idea what it says, but apart from the money issues that's Bluejay Belle mentioned, have you thought out a plan b, c, d and so on? How long will you stay, will your insurance cover any incident on the way, will you have enough money to take an emergency flight back home? Where will you stay, does your family have anyone to contact over there or will someone contact them if something would happen? How often and how easily can you keep in touch? These are some questions that I though long and hard through before coming over to England where I am now to stay for the summer, even if my SO and I have been together over a year and a half and met several times in person before and my family knows him very well. I'm 19 so they couldn't do anything about me going over but it really reassured them, especially the fact that I make sure to always be able to cover travel expenses back home, should it prove necessary...
      Just some ideas from the top of my head
      We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


        oops haha, guess i didnt explain very well i was wondering if i would be able to PM the letter to a couple people on here and see what they think since i dont wanna post it so its public, it doesnt really have anything personal in it just dont feel comfortable, but if anyone had ideas of what i could address on it that would be appreciated too!

        Distance tears couples apart. But if we can get through over a year without even meeting... Thats special...


          Ah, well feel free to PM me if you want to and I'll take a look at it if you think it'd be helpful
          We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


            I'd be happy to read it over and give you some feedback.

