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my ldb thinks im gonna leave him.

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    Teens my ldb thinks im gonna leave him.

    hey, my ldr bf started to tell me he's worried because he thinks im gonna leave him in a few years cuz i won't be able to wait untill we meet and i'll find another guy close by. i tried to tell him im madly in love with him and i can't imagine my life without him and theres no chance im gonna leave. but he says it happened to him before and because im young i dont really know wut im doing. how do i make it clear to him that im not gonna leave him?

    -please help:\

    Firstly, you are too young to consider having a love relationship. To develop a love relationship I believe it takes emotional maturity and understanding. How old is he? I believe he is around your age and he is so imature (as guys tend to mature later in life) and my honest opinion is that if he continues with this obsession (of you leaving him!!!!) it would be better for you to let him go, as hard as this might sound. Other wise he will continue to accuse you and you will suffer more ... And all I think is that he HAS A PROBLEM and you are a nice person who wants the best for this relationship.
    Think of it this way - you barely have a relationship for about 1,5 months and he already started to feel insecure and makes you feel guilty and accusing you of cheating or leaving him, when a love relationship (at least at first, as are you guys) should be so beautiful and heavenly!!! I believe the first thing in an LDR is confidence and I believe you don*t have that ...
    I mean I can understand him, but that*s no way to act - because I am in an LDR myself, and he always spends his weekends with his friends (pool, barbeque, clubbing ... and among these friends it can be also women!!!!) and we never get to speak on weekends, only on Sunday evenings, so yes I CAN BE JEALOUS of his friends, but I never told him that ... he always tells me what are his plans for the weekend and I guess this is honesty and confidence from his part. I always say to him to have a good time and that I am happy for him to go out (though inside I am a little jealous, as I said!!!!).
    So, the most important part in a love relationship is confidence and it seems he doesn*t have that from his part!!!! If he continues to act like that it will cause you more harm then the love you say you have for him, so it would be better to just go separate ways, because I believe he won*t change !!!!


      Sweety, In my opinion. I don't think it's bad for him to think that if it happened to him once already. He's just afraid ... I was 16 when I met the one for me. He was thousand miles away , and at the beginning of our relation. I Doubted him. I had two whole years left of school and I was thinking to myself he won't wait that long for me. These things don't work. But he started changing , he didn't go out with friends as much. He would go to work ,& talk to me. Come back from and still talk to me. He refused to spent his time with friends. He even stopped doing his activities and only did it if I was talking to him. So what i'm saying, show him that you won't leave him. Write him a poem when he goes to sleep to surprise him. It doesn't even have to be a poem. Write him your feelings. I'm a hundred percent sure that'll work. Don't lose hope. If you're serious like you said, do things for him. Make sure u let him know you're there for him twenty four ! But I do agree with the top comment you're still young ... You still have a long way to go. With school and everything. If he's the same age as you , I'm sure this "you're gonna leave me " thing is not only a phase. If he continues , he does have issues and its better for you to leave him. Think over what "Alizee" said, she's speaking the truth.

      Good luck👍


        I have to agree with the two replies above.
        You are still very young, but relationships are all about trust, if there is no trust, things become difficult very quickly.
        I hope all works out for you Good luck!

