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Don't really know what to do >.<

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    Teens Don't really know what to do >.<

    My boyfriend and I have been going out for almost a year and 9 months. I just met him for the second time in July, and things have really gone south. He started talking to this other girl who is his age, and he keeps telling me that he is confused and doesn't know what to do. I feel like giving him space would be the right thing right now, but since we always talk on Skype it's really hard to let go that easily. Recently, he told me that he is losing feelings for me even though he still says he loves me. I researched why he could be losing these feelings and some people were saying because of how much time we spend together is sometimes the problem. I kind of agree to that because we spend alot more time together than other relationships.

    At this point, I am kind of freaking out because he says he likes her and wants to meet her (because she lives in Texas) but, he says that he still loves for me and cares for me. Any help would be much appreciated because I don't really know what to say. We thought about taking a break so if anyone thinks that would be good, please do tell me.

    Thanks so much.


    How can he say he still cares for you If he's willing to let go a whole year and 9 months ... ? As hard as this sounds, I think you two would be better off by taking a break. You'll just get hurt if you guys stay like this and it becomes a one sided love. And I know everyone says spending too much time ruins the relationship. But I beg to differ , I've been with mine for almost two years, and the second We're away from each other we say " I missed you " like a dozen times. But I'm sorry , I know it's not much help. But I hope you get through it. Good luck. 👍👍
    Last edited by Camel_lover; August 14, 2013, 12:28 AM.


      Exactly what I was thinking. In my opinion what he is doing is really stupid, and I've told him that but it only makes him angry.


        Give him some space , and if he says he cares about you like he said. I'm sure he'll come back to you.


          Thank you so much . I appreciate it, maybe the break will help things out.


            Why are you willing to spend time and energy on a guy who has bluntly told you he is talking to another girl and he wants to meet her and he is losing feelings for you? spending a lot of time together may result in the relationship going a bit stale, true, but if he is spending his energy getting to know another girl instead of trying to fix his feelings for you, then I would say you're not really a priority at this point for him.
            So, here you are
            too foreign for home
            too foreign for here.
            Never enough for both.

            Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues

