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Am I being greedy?

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    Teens Am I being greedy?

    I've been with my SO for a year and three months now. With in the first six months of us being official I bought him gifts for our annaversary. Sending them as a surprise. I knew he would love the 'That's what she said' T-shirt because he told me he was looking for one but all the ones he found were lame. I also bought him a candy gift basket, the container a smile face container that could be used as a piggy bank or refill it with more candy.

    Anyways as the times gone by, all I've ever talked about is wanting a ring. It's the only kind of jewlrey I wear, but I want something to simbalize me being taken. To be his, and have him with me while I'm in school. Well every time I bring it up, he says he wants to give me the ring in person. He told me he bought a hat for me, but wants to give it to me in person. This last time I brought it up, he said he doesn't have the money. But he had the money to buy a 300 dollar cross.

    Am I being a selfish girlfriend for wanting him to buy me one thing, one thing that would have meaning to me?
    Last edited by cre8inglaughter; August 16, 2013, 11:40 AM.

    To be honest, I think you are being a little bit selfish. I don't think that's important to buy each other gifts, I mean, material ones. And also, he didn't tell you that he doesn't want to buy you a ring, he told you that he wants to give it to you in person. Where's the problem?


      Originally posted by Karoshi View Post
      To be honest, I think you are being a little bit selfish. I don't think that's important to buy each other gifts, I mean, material ones. And also, he didn't tell you that he doesn't want to buy you a ring, he told you that he wants to give it to you in person. Where's the problem?
      I do agree it's not the importance of being given a bunch of gifts. I don't love him because I think he'll shower me with gifts. But, and I agree part of its out of selfishness, when we were talking he said he didn't have the money to buy it. Even though he's been spending money on things over 100 dollars. I agree I'm being selfish in the situation, but I'm not asking to be showered with gifts, I just wanna have him with me when we're away from each other for long periods of time.


        Well in response to him buying expensive items for himself, all I can really say is it's his money.
        His money, his choice.
        If it really bothers you that greatly, you'd have to bring it up with him.
        Sorry I couldn't be much help!


          All comments and veiw points are helpful. I have talked about it a little, but not like a serious conversation because I feel like I am being selfish. I just don't know how to make the feeling go away, to stop being upset over it.


            I'm a lot like you actually, having been with my SO for as long as I have I've only ever gotten one shirt of his within the first year of us dating while I have given him many things while he blows his money on things I find useless and silly. But then I realized, instead of getting a bunch of gifts I'd much rather him save that money for a visit. That way feelings don't get hurt when I buy him gifts and get none in return, I know at least he's willing to spend money to see me.

            But then you have people like my friend and her SO who have been together a year and yet for every gift giving holiday have blown at least 200 bucks on each other. My point is some people are just more into gift giving than others and if gifts are something you need from you SO then you need to talk about it with him. Tell him it's not the amount of money he spends on you but the thought and that you would be happy with anything he picked out for you no matter the price, or he could make you something/write you songs poems etc which don't cost a dime.

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14

