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A whole new world...

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    Teens A whole new world...

    Hey there everyone,

    My name is Sierra, and I am a new kid on the block. I am totally new to the idea of long distance relationships, and quite frankly, I never thought I would find myself in this situation. Also, I should say that I never thought I would find myself in this situation so quickly...
    I met Dylan two months ago and he lives 2,994 miles away from me. When he and I first began talking I thought he was a great friend. We can talk about anything and everything and not a single day has past without the two of us talking. I feel like I have known him my entire life, and I would be lying if I said that it didn't scare me. When we talk our conversations can go from very funny and goofy to very serious and challenging. I never thought I would meet someone who I just clicked with, let alone someone who lives an entire continent away from me...
    I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't know if this is... normal? Or is this happens with other people? I mean I know that other people have had this happen, but I feel like every other long distance relationship I have ever heard or read about has evolved from years of those individuals being friends. I fell like compared to those people its strange that our "relationship" has moved along so quickly....However, at the same time, it sort of makes sense because if he and I were in the same city then we would have already been dating and becoming a couple..

    I don't want to bore you with all of my silly ramblings ha...But I would love some advice, or comments or anything ha....I just want to know that how i fell is normal and that im not a crazy ha....
    Thanks so much

    Welcome to the forums!!!!
    Yes, LDRs are hard, I am telling you for my own experience and I am 33 yo. I have never experienced an LDR before and I am meeting him for the first time in 3 days!!!! I am so scared/ excited/ happy/ anxious about it!!!
    It*s nice that you 2 can speak every day and feel that strong bond between yourselves. That*s the most important thing in an LDRs and you have yet to know that and go through many things. LDRs are known to be stronger than CDs because they are based on communication, trust, confidence and not so much on the physical part .... but every LDR is different, because people are different - my SO and I are 2 mature persons with daily jobs and other obligations and so, we can*t talk to each other all day long, but manage to talk on the phone almost every 2-3 days for 10-30 min / phone call. He is a little strange or laid back I guess, because sometimes he seems tired and not present in the conversation (at first I was sad about it and thought it was me, but I realised that he is just like that!!!) and sometimes he seems happy, funny and very present when talking to me!
    Good luck with your relationship and a lot of patience because you will need it!!!!


      Hi and welcome! First I just want to comment how funny I think this is: you and I are both the same age and our SO lives in Connecticut LOL. Anyway, I know how you feel. We all know how you feel. And you're not crazy... ^alizee is's great you feel that connection between the two of you, its important in getting by in an LDR because they suck lol. It won't get any easier, but communication is key. Skype, phone calls, etc. I can relate to you saying you've felt like you've known him your entire life...i've been talking to my SO for 7 years and it feels just like that. And it doe suck he lives halfway across the country. It's going to be very hard and it doesn't get any easier, but it sounds like ya'll have a great bond so talking and communication shouldn't be an issue You'll be fine! And what you're feeling is completely normal: you're not crazy! haha, Good luck!


        I just wanted to say thank you for your response. I am glad to see that I am not the only one who feels this way ha...but then again if I were, this forum/ blog would never have been developed haha....
        RachelAnne, I also think that it is quite funny that our significant others' locale is so similar! What a small world ha...You mentioned the you and your SO have been talking for 7 years. Your situation is a perfect example for what I had mentioned in my original post. And in a way, you are lucky, having someone you are compatible with to talk to for so long!

        Another reason that I am so surprised by liking someone so far away, is because I have never had a real relationship. I mean I have had guys in my life, but there was never this strong connection like there is with Dylan. Before, it just seemed like I was having to find all of these reasons to want to be with someone who I felt didn't match me intellectually, or comically ha...So long story short I've yet to even go on a proper date with a guy...However, Dylan has had two good relationships and one loving relationship..

        So for me, feeling this way about someone is totally new...And what gets me the most, is how easy everything is for Dylan and I when we talk, laugh, make jokes, or really just do anything...and part of me gets hesitant because I've never had something like this....

        haha okay, so enough with my jibber jabber ha....Thanks again for the responses


          Originally posted by blueorchid1 View Post
          I just wanted to say thank you for your response. I am glad to see that I am not the only one who feels this way ha...but then again if I were, this forum/ blog would never have been developed haha....
          RachelAnne, I also think that it is quite funny that our significant others' locale is so similar! What a small world ha...You mentioned the you and your SO have been talking for 7 years. Your situation is a perfect example for what I had mentioned in my original post. And in a way, you are lucky, having someone you are compatible with to talk to for so long!

          Another reason that I am so surprised by liking someone so far away, is because I have never had a real relationship. I mean I have had guys in my life, but there was never this strong connection like there is with Dylan. Before, it just seemed like I was having to find all of these reasons to want to be with someone who I felt didn't match me intellectually, or comically ha...So long story short I've yet to even go on a proper date with a guy...However, Dylan has had two good relationships and one loving relationship..

          So for me, feeling this way about someone is totally new...And what gets me the most, is how easy everything is for Dylan and I when we talk, laugh, make jokes, or really just do anything...and part of me gets hesitant because I've never had something like this....

          haha okay, so enough with my jibber jabber ha....Thanks again for the responses
          Love knows no distance ... and you don*t get to choose where you meet the guy you have a great connection with - he can be your neighbour, or he can be miles away from you - I believe soulmates meet themselves eventualy no matter the age, the distance, the color of the skin ...
          God only knows when and where and all we have to do is to be prepared to receive this wonderful gift!!!!

