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I can't move on

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    Teens I can't move on

    We broke up last night.. For good this time.
    He told me straight out he no longer wants me and he's already trying to move on.
    I understand why he wouldn't want me, I know he can do better than me but I can't let go.
    Out of 3 and a half months I don't have any memories so why cant I?
    I was waiting for him to give our first phone call the go ahead (He always talked to me on Skype but I've only just got the courage to talk back), we never got to meet (Our plans for December were a no go if we weren't together) and we never really did anything special or had great conversations.
    I need to let go because he already has but I don't know how?
    I don't want to be alone but he was all I had, I trusted him with everything and now I have no one to talk to. I won't be on this site for much longer because it's to difficult.
    I really need help on how to let go. Please.

    Sometimes we fall in love with love, rather than with a person. Or in love with the potential we see. You probably discovered in yourself a bunch of wonderful new qualities through this experience, and you might feel that to let go of him, you'll lose that. You won't. Any man that makes you think he can do better isn't worth your time or attention lovely, just wait until you meet someone who makes you feel like the queen of all the world!

    In the mean time, you can talk to us. It's all anonymous, we don't know who you are, so you can spill your heart and work through it all in comfort. We're building up quite a group of singles on the forum, so don't think you wouldn't be welcome.

    Give it time, eat chocolate, be kind to yourself.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      He never made me feel I wasn't good enough.. That's just how i felt, it wasn't him who ran me down or anything like that.
      I don't feel there are any good things about myself, if anything this has shown me that I can't be in a working relationship. The last person I became close with couldn't stand me after a few months either.
      It just really hurts to be told you're no longer wanted by someone who meant the world to you


        Get those self defeating thoughts out of your head! You are standing in the way of your own happiness. Hating yourself won't make you a more lovable person.

        Every time my heart has been broken, every time I thought I wouldn't be able to get past the hurt... I did. I grew. I can completely relate to your insecurity of not feeling good enough or worthy. Some days it's easier to believe there are good qualities about myself, and some days I feel hopeless. But I know I can't give up on trying to build up my self esteem, not only because I want to be the most positive "me" I can be for my SO, but more importantly I want to be the best me for myself! I truly believe you deserve to be happy. I also believe that you're going to be in for a lot more heartache if you're self percieved worth is contingent on other people, and you remain unable to find your own validation within yourself. Appreciate what you learned from this chapter of your life and be thankful you can cross off one incompatible match off your list, and continue looking for the "right" person. Relationships come and go, but you are going to be you for the rest of your life. Fix this relationship first!


          Marleigh-Nicole, don't say that about yourself. It's not your fault that this relationship hasn't worked out - remember a relationship takes two people to make it work, and ultimately, it takes two people for it to fail. Okay, perhaps some of the things you did led to this. But it wasn't your fault alone. He will have some things to make it end the way it has now. I don't believe that one person alone should bear all the blame for a relationship ending.

          And you say he could do better? I say that you could do better. You could do better than a guy who throws you away. You deserve to be loved, properly. You deserve someone who understands you, who loves you. You deserve someone who will do special things with you, and who will have great conversations with you!

          And when you say that you can't be in a working relationship with anyone, maybe you're choosing the wrong people to be in a relationship with? We're not compatible with everyone out there. There may only be a select few who will truly understand and love us entirely for who we are. I'd say you've just been in a relationship with the wrong people.

          You say you can't see anything good about you. First of all, I'm going to say that is absolutely rubbish. I'm sure that anyone who knows you well will be able to name any number of good things about you - we just don't notice the things ourselves, especially if they are a part of us and how we are. What I am going to say to you is: you're only young. You're 15 years old. You have plenty of time ahead of you, plenty of time to find your Mr Right. You might not find him right away, but he's out there. What you need to do now is focus on yourself. Stop accepting that there is "nothing good" about you, and start accepting the good things about you. Take the time to figure out who you are, what you want, and what you'd like in a relationship. If you do that, then when your next relationship comes, you will be so much more prepared and you'll feel more confident and comfortable.

          Forget about him, lovely ... just focus on yourself for now. It will be hard, but try to find the help of friends. Have some girly time, spend some time on yourself. Pick up a new hobby, chat to new people, find out your place in this world. Remember this: You lived life perfectly fine before he came along, you've done it before, and you can do it once again. Life won't end because he's left you. Life keeps going on. You are stronger than you think you are, honey.

          If you need someone to talk to, just give me a message. *big hugs*

