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age and when to begin

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    age and when to begin

    I was 15 when I met him. when I began to fall for him. Only issue was that he was older then me. He was 19. I first posted on this site about this issue and I was extremely rude to some people who were just concerned about the age difference.

    This was over a year ago. I'm now 16, turning 17 at the end of the year (31st Dec-NEW YEARS EVE BABY!) After have a deep think about what people have said to me about the age, the law and such and such..I realized that dating someone who was so much older than me wasn't the right thing to do.

    I've kept in touch with this person ever since we stopped dating. We try to talk everyday, I'm going to be in my final year of high school so the workload is a lot so I'm occasionally busy. Not to mention the time difference.

    My parents do know that I talk to him and they know that I had feelings for him. I have explained that I know their concerns and all that. I do miss him very much but knowing that I can email him and he's on the other side makes me happy. So I just have a question..

    As I'm about to turn 17 and he will be 21- when do people think it is right to begin dating again? I know a few people will say 18. I'm in no rush and we have spoken of closing the distance in a few years (like 5) after I complete uni as well.

    Another thing that will make it easier for me and him is that I work for an Australian airline so the flights will be cheaper for us both.
    Last edited by Kalina; September 17, 2013, 07:49 AM. Reason: tags

    Personally I have always kept a strict 6 year difference policy.
    After that I thing the SO/lover/crush/love interest is in a different phase of their lives (definitely when you're still young.)
    But like I said: PERSONALLY.
    "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"


      If you can make it work for the both of you and it makes you happy, then I say go for it.
      I was personally in the same situation before, I was 14 going on 15 and he was 18 going on 19. He felt uncomfortable with it so although we loved each other we chose to keep it as just friends. Now 1 year later I can see how i've matured and he's in a different place with his life than I am. I'm also now happily dating someone else.
      If you both feel this is the right thing then don't listen to someone who criticizes the age gap. You are you. You cant compare this relationship to another and go off that advice.
      Hope it all works out for you x


        Four years is not a big difference when you're 24 and 28. The bottom line is- right now he's legal and you are not. If you embark on a sexual relationship, even if it's consensual, he could go to jail.

        Also, have you two met yet? I'd do some long term visits (a month at least) before closing the distance for good. Lots of things come into play when closing the distance internationally.

