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"Just Friends"? (re-post from LFAD Anonymous)

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    Teens "Just Friends"? (re-post from LFAD Anonymous)

    Posted this to LFAD anonymous, apparently not anonymous on mobile.

    "So without too much detail, we've been "together" (sadly on and of f) for roughly 2 years. Recently she started seeing someone nearer to her to ease the hurt of distance (and I was okay with that at first, because I want her to be happy) but now she's told me that she just wants to be friends with me and she's spending all her time with this other guy. When I try to text her, she's busy, and if I say "I love you" she lashes out at me. She's friend-zoning me hard, and she told me it's best if we take a break for now to fix ourselves (she wants to meet after our schooling is done, but only as friends.). It's killing me. Help?"

    No longer anon, I'm 17, her 16.
    Also I think she may have done some touchy things with this guy.

    Pre-Thanks for the advice;
    ~ Alex

    It probably isn't what you want to hear, but she doesn't seem like the person to handle a committed LDR. The whole meeting but "as friends" sounds like a terrible plan. She should've been far more honest about her intentions and was completely immature. The trouble with opening up a relationship and not setting proper boundaries is situations like these.. I'm sorry, but I think it's best if you move on.

    Married: June 9th, 2015


      Sorry to say, but this is over. She apparently moved on with this new guy and you should do the same.


        Agreed. She's found someone closer and she wants to be with him, not you. Sorry.
        So, here you are
        too foreign for home
        too foreign for here.
        Never enough for both.

        Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues

