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14/14 Long Distance Love Starting

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    Teens 14/14 Long Distance Love Starting

    Just wanted to share my story, I met a beautifully amazing boy about a month ago. We are both the same age, which is 14 and he is 15 this month. I'll be 15 in September. We've talked a lot and really fallen for each other. He is musically inclined, wants to be a band , is very talented and has talked about writing songs about me. He lives on the West Coast and I live on the East Coast. We're both trying to get plane tickets to see each other. I know next summer he is attending a camp in my state and we are officially meeting thing. He has plans to attend college in my state in the future and to live in my state. A lot of people have given me crap because we did only meet over a month ago, but the connection is there without a doubt. We had our first official Skype date last night for an hour or so and it was absolutely lovely. We've both confessed to being in love with each other and think the other one is more exceptional than they realize. We each have never had something as in this way with another person, it hasn't compared I mean. We're having a second official Skype date soon. We haven't said however if we are together or dating, perhaps we are. But, we haven't said that we are boyfriend - girlfriend. I am going to see this and inform whether so. I love him more than I will and have ever loved anyone and was wondering what anyone else thinks because I know there are teens on here.

    Anyone have their thoughts on this? Just seeing if there is any advice or commentary, or your own story if you are around my age.

    Hi there,

    Hello and welcome to LFAD! ~

    My name's Lori; I'm also 14 and involved with a boy from the Netherlands, whom I've known for about a year.

    This sounds a lot like me, except I'm 15 in October, and he turned 17 in May. I know exactly what you mean about having a "connection."

    I know it's really easy to think you're in love with someone, and maybe you are: but to me, it sounds like y'all are in the "honeymoon phase" right now. If you haven't heard of it before, it's the phase that pretty much all people go through in the beginning of their relationships. In the honeymoon phase, everything is perfect and so is the person you just started falling for. Of course, the honeymoon phase doesn't last forever. Now, I'm not saying that your relationship is horrible, but I think you need to let your relationship grow a little more and develop before you really can say that you love him. My SO and I went through our own honeymoon phase, and the transition was a little rocky, but honestly I'm glad we're out of it. I definitely enjoyed it, but our relationship feels more real now.

    Forgive me for sounding judgmental, but I can sort of understand where those people were coming from...a month is a relatively short time to have known somebody (whether in person or not), especially if you're saying things like "I'll never love anyone else more than him."

    Falling in love is really exhilarating and beautiful, so let it happen and enjoy it...but know that there are many stages to it, and that the first part of it, although enjoyable, isn't necessarily the most realistic representation of what your relationship will be like later on.

    Also, it's incredibly important to establish "what you are", so there is no confusion and no one gets hurt later on. With the Dutch boy and I, we essentially decided that we felt really strongly about each other, but weren't official. We decided that we wanted to meet in person first before making any sort of decision. Honestly, I guess we're both a little hesitant...we both know that it would take thousands of dollars just for the privilege of breathing the same air, and that w. LDRs require a lot of time, energy, and commitment. The good thing, though, is that we're both young (and so are you) and there are many years and opportunities ahead of us.

    Anyway, I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you get to meet him next summer

    PM me if you have any questions or want to talk!

    <3 Lori

