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I love my long distance relationship for all its done

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    Teens I love my long distance relationship for all its done

    I have known my boyfriend for about 3 months and we have been dating for 1 month. Six months from now I will meet him. God I want to make it perfect but knowing me Ill probably do something weird. I love him so much and he completes me in every way possible. Right down the anime we like, the games we like, hobbies , and movies, we even have the same childhood favorite story book. Its not that he wont love me, its just gah I cant bear the thought of being all weird around him. I love him so much and never want to lose him, after all the relationships that I have been in and everything I have been through, I can say that out of all the people I know and love, he knows me the best and cares for me the most. We may not be with eachother now but soon we will. I mean in the past 3 months we have skyped everyday, for around 500+ hours in total. gah I dont think anyone else would do that for me. I may not cry when we get all emotional very much, and maybe he doesnt see how much he really means to me, how I long to hold him and make all his worries disappear. How I cant wait to hold him and stare into his green eyes and tell him I love him. Or how much I appreciate every thing he does for me, small or big. How he is the reason I am no longer depressed or self harming. How he has changed me and made me a better person in a way that I cant explain. I dont know if he sees how much I love the letters he makes me, or the effort he puts into this relationship, or how much I need him just to get through the day. We have tallked and bonded for so long without him in my life, it would be pointless. Because he has become what I call happiness, he has become what I look forward into in the morning and what I smile to before I sleep. he has made me a better person and I will never ever be able to thank him for what he has done for me, as with each day that passes that list tripples He is my bestfriend, love, inspiration, and the other half of me. I am glad that we are in a Ldr. Because I know that without it we wouldnt have spent so much time together or gotten to know each other this well. Its not just me any more, its now He and I, We. THERE ISNT A PART IN MY LIFE I DONT WANT TO SPEND WITH HIM. Jeff is the reason I breath, sleep, and get up. And some how with all the havoc and weirdness I bring to him he still loves me. And for all of these reasons, No matter where he is, who he becomes in life, I will always love him, and there wont be anything that can change that. Because how can you ever stop loving the one person who showed you what being alive really means? How often can someone say that they met the person they love on a chat room, at 4am, found out they are from the same place you are, and have the same hobbies and likes?... Not many. Through thick and thin there wont be anything to stop me from loving him.

    Gaah well here i am reading this message from the love of my life Mary yiis i love you baby ,
    before i reply guys i want to say something LDRs do work! i am dedicating my whole life to making this one between her and i work , i know it will work i have relied on God and He will strengthen our relationship even more if that's even possible because right now in my heart she is the only one and the only one on my mind 24/7 i even wake up every day at 4-5 am (before her i was the type to sleep at 5 am and wake up at 1pm because i run my own company) to read her morning replies as they are what make my day in fact she is my smile and last person i hear before bed and the first person i talk to and the reason for my morning happiness . Your lDRS will work all that you need to do is have honesty sessions like we do , we are dedicated to each other and spend so much time together ive even planned some future surprises for her which i won't mention now hahaha ^^, and lastly stop worrying about the bad things that may happen because if both of you accept that you dont want an end then thats simple then there is nothing to worry about , I love her with all my heart and all my future plans thus far are to get her with me and then the rest are with her and the plans she has and the things she has done for me make me so happy that i have no worries but just pure happiness.

    Anyone can do it love cannot be beaten by time or distance if its real

    Now to my dearest DeviousDevine , my fiance , the love of my life MY Mary <3
    thank you so much for the love you have for me and the 500+ hours of skype with me, the daily texts , our future plans together , the gifts you have got me and for singing to me thank you for being so perfect and for being all mine. You don't have to worry about doing anything weird lol babe anything you do and everything you do i love its what makes you and i love YOU, our wait is not long and our relationship is what i treasure most in this world my gorgeous baby. You don't have to worry about past problems or things all that matters to me is we have overcome them together and i have made you happy and corrected all the wrongs and in the future well i mean our future you are right there beside me and im holding your hand!

    You are the love of my live , after we conquer this wait we can conquer anything together nothing will stand in our way babe its you and i forever and always
    we have the same hobbies, same tastes , favourite childhood books and movies X3 we are so similar in many ways and i am thankful for this LDR because we have this bond and knowledge over each other that normal couples would dream to have lol we probably already spend more time together than most <3 and i treasure every second of it that i have spent with you. all i can do now is speak to you love you and plan our future and in summer i can't wait to just stare into your amazing brown eyes and kiss you right on the forehead and just hold you and explain to you how much i love you and that i have waited 19 years for someone like you and i don't plan on ever letting go!


    if any of you guys would like to follow our progress we have setup our own blog which you may pm me about where we will post updates and we will also update here
    -Jeff ^^'

