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    Teens My LDR

    I never thought I would meet someone like him, he was so sweet, funny, loving, and most importantly he made me feel happy and complete. We met through a close friend of mine that I've known for a while, and once we started talking we pretty much couldn't stop, we would text and talk with each other almost all day. One day he told me that he would like to start dating me, I was a bit uneasy on the situation but I decided to agree to be his girlfriend.
    We became really close to the point when he wanted to meet me in person, believe me I wanted to meet him just as bad but the big problem was, I didn't tell my family about him. My family is very strict and wanted me to stay focused in school and I never been in a relationship till he should up, so I was just afraid of how my family would react.
    Plenty of times he would invite me over, for birthdays and other special occasions...and I always told him that I couldn't...
    I could tell that he was kind of getting irritated with the fact that we weren't meeting as fast as he'd like but I told him that all I needed was some time to find the perfect occasion to tell my family, and he promised me that he would wait, and that no matter how long I take he would be waiting for me.
    I of course believed him with no questions.
    All of a sudden he became very quiet and keeping things really short and it kinda made me feel really awkward, that went on for about 2 weeks till I decided to confront him about it.
    He said it was because he was really busy with school and studying and that he was sorry if I felt like he was abandoning me. So I forgave him we made up and everything felt like it was back to normal.

    Till one day I received a text from him telling me that he wants to break up with me because he felt like we never were going to meet and that he was tired of our LD bs, I was absolutely heartbroken...I tried to convince him but nothing seemed to change his mind, then I thought to myself "If he really loved me like he said he did, he would have kept his promises and waited for me"
    So, that was done.. till a week later he texts me saying that he wants to still be my friend, so we gave it a try but soon he started telling me that he loved me again and lots of other things I don't want to get into details with.
    I thought this was a second chance for our relationship, so I began to feel hopeful once again. Three days ago I was told by my closest friend that the guy I love already has a new girlfriend that he has been dating for a few weeks already.
    Now, once again I am so heartbroken but I'm more upset then sad because he was sending me so many mixed signals to then just start dating. He held my heart toyed with it then let it go.
    I still love him so much when I wish I could hate him. I want to forget all about him.

    I need help and advice on how to get over this....


    This is a tough situation because like you said you should hate him but of course you never hate someone who you love. Honestly, I think you're way better off without him. The fact he kept bugging you to meet with him kinda of suggested he probably wanted to jump right into the physical side of a relationship and wasn't ready to be in a fully committed relationship with you. You're right if he really loved you he would have waited, there are some couples on here who go 2 or 3 years without meeting their partner and they stay together because they know know what they have will last without them meeting. I know you don't want to hear this but really you need to move on and spend time with your friends to forget about him. He treated you badly and doesn't deserve to even be in your thoughts. Keep your chin up, it will get better :3
    my girls <3

    Josie (SO)
    Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
    Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
    Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
    Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

    Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
    Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
    Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
    All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


      Is this your first real relationship? How far apart do you both live?
      It sounds like it was on both sides.. Did you Skype and talk a lot? It sounds like you all don't really talk. First, your parents not knowing is a big stress point for you. Secondly, not ever meeting him after so many invites... that had to take its toll on him. He seems like he wanted you with him. Why could he not meet your parents and you both go out as "friends" or perhaps with another couple of people? How do you think he felt waiting for 8 months for you to tell your parents? Did you have a perfect time set? Did you both talk about that at all? There seem to be so many issues with communications at this point. I hate the phrase... "if he really loved me then..." That sets up so much potential failure.
      Again, did he say he wanted to get back with you or did you just assume he wanted to be back together? And when you both did start talking again, did he ask you to meet up again?? I think you both are getting your signals mixed.
      Getting over this will take time. I don't necessarily blame him either. You both need to talk.
      Back away from this. Stay off social media and give him the space. You also need to figure out what you need to do about talking to your parents. You are 18 and are considered an adult now.


        Thanks for the advice, it really means a lot to me :3


          Yes, this was my first real relationship and I didn't really know how to handle it... I believed every word he said and to be honest I really wanted to meet him but at the same time I didn't want things to move so fast, I know I should have told my family but I was just being a big coward, I was just really afraid of what they'd think..


            Then you weren't really ready yet... take your time. Enjoy life!


              I can see both sides here. I don't know how far apart you are from each other and whether that was a big factor but I can understand his frustration.

              Meeting online is great, I met my SO online and it was almost 3 years before we finally got to meet in person. The thing is you never really know if you will hit it off or whether there is any chemistry until you physically meet.

              My parents were surprisingly supportive of me going to meet my SO, despite it being so far away and me having to leave my two daughters with them while I was over in the US. Its a shame you couldn't have introduced him as a friend to them, that's how I introduced my SO to my parents and my kids. Although I was 99% sure it was true love, I didn't know for sure until we met. My mum knew there was romance bubbling in the background and since meeting him I have told both my parents and my kids and they were all happy for me.

              Put this one down to experience. I know how patronising this sounds but you are so young. You have the rest of your life ahead of you and a whole load of opportunity. You may always hold a place in your heart for him but believe me, there are a lot of lovely people out there, one will come along one day and make you forget all about him.

