My boyfriend and I met online in a chat room. We have been together for almost 10 months and I can honestly say that he is the most kindest, thoughtful, and most loving person I have ever met. We treat each other with care, we love each other, and he is perfect for me. He is 17, about to graduate from high school in May. I am 16 and in my junior year in high school. He lives in New Mexico and I live in California. He will be starting college in a couple months and I am worried about him meeting another girl. I told him about how I have been feeling lately and he is saying how it is simply impossible for him to break up with me and leave me for another girl. However, I am still worried and a bit stressed out about this. Also, we were going to meet in person this summer but cannot due to my parents being super strict about me having a boyfriend. We plan to meet next summer so that I already am 18. I think this is affecting my thoughts about him going to college. I honestly don't know what to do or think... Has anybody else experienced this problem or is currently experiencing this?
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Don't let it get to you too much or overthink it. Otherwise you will go nuts. Has he ever given you a reason not to trust him? If not, then you should trust him. College isn't really how you see it in the movies. Trust your SO. Being worried or jealous is only going to make it worse.
Every relationship is different. Some people date through high school, college, get married and are still together 25+ years later, like my brother and sister-in-law. Others, though they have the best of intentions, get to college and are exposed to so many new people and things that they do break up and each person goes their separate ways. That's what happened to my friends son. His gf went to college first and they stayed together. The next year when he went, he broke up with her in the first month. There'is no way to predict the future and what it will be for you.
One thing to learn now at your young age is to not stress about things that may or may not happen. You make yourself sick over something that may never happen. That doesn't mean don't be mentally prepared but don't let "could happen", "might happen" ruin your present day life.To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.
Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.
This is going to be blunt. Sorry in advance.
I hate to say it, but it doesn't matter what you think about him going to college. It's going to happen either way and you just need to deal because its his life. You two may stay together and he may be faithful and you could meet and close the distance and all of that, or he could find someone else the first week and you two could break up. The fact of the matter is, whatever is going to happen will happen. Nothing you can say or do will change that, so there's no reason to be stressing about it now. (also,R&R---I didn't read the other posts before I commented on accident and just realized I basically said the same thing as you! Apparently it's good advice!
I'm on the other side of that situation. My SO is 24 and works seven days a week, so he doesn't really meet people much besides at work. However, I'm going to college in August and he has told me a few times that he is worried about me meeting someone better. All I can really do is assure him that is extremely unlikely. Also, I can be open with him about almost anything, so I can honestly tell him that if anything happens, I would let him know the second it did. Really it's just about trust and not worrying about it.