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Parents freaking out over this?:(

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    Parents freaking out over this?:(

    Decides to tell my parents about my ldr and my mom freaked out. She has watched too many crime shows and has her ideas. She also hates the fact I started up a conversation with someone from another state period and they are mad at me. I've told them they can do a background check on him and I gave them.his church, and home address and name. I asked them to please think about it. We care for each other very much and feel we truly do belong together. What more can I do now? I'm 22 he's 21.

    Let them have time for it to sink in. Maybe have a skype chat and include your parents, that would probably help them to realize he is just a normal person.


      what snow say, and let him meet your parents when he comes over wil help too in the future


        I can totally relate to this. I was in my very first semester of college when I met my long-distance boyfriend through a friend I made in college. And I mentioned to my Mom (who watches ALOT of crime shows also) that I was talking to him (we weren't dating or anything yet) and she told me right off to end it. And then a few weeks when he came to visit me at college for a weekend and at this point we were dating, but she didn't know that yet, I told her once he got here and she totally freaked out. She was incredibly mad at me and wouldn't talk to me, which worried me. So he and I made the irrational decision to drive 2 hours to my house and check on her and talk to her. We have now been dating 6 months and my Mom absolutely adores him. She lets him stay in our house when he comes to visit me on weekends and they have gotten to know each other and have built a great relationship. We both respect her strictness with him not being allowed to spend the night at my college because I know she just wants the best for me and to protect me and she sacrifices a lot for him and I and I really appreciate that and so does my boyfriend. Every situation is going to be different, but just remember your Mom's intentions are good and in your best interest and let her know you acknowledge that and if you and this boy are very serious let her know that and have him talk to her, let her get to know him, because that will ease her mind and yours.

        I hope this helps!


          My mom dosent know, I don't even want to think about what would happen if she found out, she'll have to know about him one day, but I don't want them too meet.


            Oh my goodness, I'm in the same position as you.(Can I hug you please? *cries*). I've tried everything to prove that he's not some crazy axe murderer pedophile rapist- nothing, absolutely nothing works. I have just accepted the fact they won't accept our relationship. I'm just waiting until I finish school and get a job, so I can leave and be with him. There's nothing much I can do but grin and bear it. I mean your parents can't control you forever. You're the one that decides who you want to be with, not them.

            So stay strong!

