So I'm going to do a study abroad thing in Germany for 6 months. I am leaving next august and by that time me and my boyfriend will have already done a school year of long distance. I mean we are making it work right now being 8 hours away. The main thing that makes it all worth it though is that we get to see each other one a month. We have already started talking about the long distance when I leave for Germany and we are both willing to try it. But as much as I hate to say it, really I don't know if we can make 6 months of not seeing each other work. I mean he is going to be going into his sophomore year of college and The time difference will make it hard to even talk. I just need some advice on how we can get through that 6 months of not seeing each other. I really have no idea how to make that 6 months as easy for us as possible. I would love to hear suggestions or expirences you guys have had!
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I don't know how to handle 6 months of international long distance
Trying to be consistent as possible. Even if it's only once a week, make sure you set aside even 20 minutes to talk, uninterrupted. You can text, send emails, Skype, etc. Before the internet existed, people did long distance all the time and did just fine. Now, we have it so much better with all the technology, so take advantage of it.
My SO and I recently just did 16 months between visits. There are people on here who have been together a couple of years and haven't even met yet. I'm not saying this to compare, but to show you that it's possible if both parties really want it to work.To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.
Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.
[QUOTE=R&R;430224] There are people on here who have been together a couple of years and haven't even met yet. I'm not saying this to compare, but to show you that it's possible if both parties really want it to work.[/QUOTE
That's me lol--not by choice!!(Meaning would've met by now if possible) I would agree that setting time aside for each other is one of the most important things, and making each other feel special in little ways as often as possible. It's hard, but not impossible, and your relationship might very well be strengthened by an international LDR if you work at keeping it strong. Best of luck!
Try taking it day by day. On the phone last night my OH pointed out that it was going to be 10 months until we saw each other again (so would be 18 months since the last visit) and that made it sound like an aaage compared to when I hadn't been thinking about the time frames. Little messages throughout the day are also nice - even if they wont be reading it straight away, it would be nice for your other half to wake up to them.
Are you going to have visit during those 6 months? If you can manage to have for instance one visit, you would have something to look forward to.
We just went 4 months without seeing each other. I am not sure when we can see each other again, as I have lots of bills, but probably after 3 months. I used to be able to see him every month when I worked part time, but now that is simply not possible.
We have two hour time difference, but our main challenge is that we work opposing shifts. He is often tired after his job, and slow to wake up in the mornings, so there is really no ideal type for us to Skype. Usually it happens on the weekends, which at least I have time off and can take a little lack of sleep (his job finishes after midnight). What we usually do, instead of Skyping a lot, we keep in touch over the phone (we like the Viber app). It allows us to be in contact very immidiently if something happens. That feels more intimate than having a long discussion on Skype afterwords. We discover new ways to be intimate. When I met him after 4 months, it was like I had never been away from him. Both of us knew exactly where the other person was in life. Even if I would have liked to talk more, and hug more, and share meals and have sex more, it works. We feel really close.
For us, we talked about it before that change; "Now we will see much less of each other, but you know that is because we will both have new jobs, make money, pay our debts and focus on preparing grounds for our future together". It is not because we are disinterested, there is a cause to it and it makes sense. We have seen each other a lot in the past so it is no longer a matter of getting to know each other. Right now, not seeing each other has a purpose, it is our project to work side by side in our jobs. If you can make it your common project, something you do together, it will make so much more sense.I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
- Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"
"Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits