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Comic strips

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    Comic strips

    I recently did this with my David, and he LOVED it!

    I was super bored one day, trying to study and really getting nowhere with daydreaming, and I started doodling. I'm no artist, mainly just expressive stick figures, but it turned into a comic strip! It told a magical tale of what happened when I got distracted from my work by thinking about him (dragons were involved, along with Batman). After finishing it, I decided to send it along with the letter we write each other once a week. He read it while we were on Skype, and was in tears with laughter! I decided to make it a semi-regular thing. Adds something funny to the sappy letter

    I like doing comic strips myself, only mine tend to be about cellphone fights between fictional characters and a mallcop who's a superhero. XD On that note, there's a "meme" you could fill out if you want, to send them. Lemme find the blank. Even if you can't draw it's something you could print out. There's more like them if you search DeviantART. They have random ones and couples ones.

    and if anyone wants to see how I filled mine out, it's here:

    Still can't look at the third panel, haha.

    But yeah, comics and doodles are a cute addition to letters and cards. I destroyed the envelope to this birthday card by gluing doodles all over it.


      That is so cute! If I sent letters regularly I would try to do that. I feel like my boyfriend would like that.


        That is a really cute idea. I kind of want to try that, but I've almost no doodling time anymore. Darn you, full-time job... it sucks out your creative soul. True story!

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          I'm trying to do this at the moment but it's annoying me. I did a comic page for college because it was part of one of the unit, so I know how to do them. I just can't get the right characters and the right drawings. Argh!


            I did it with manga characters cause I am really really really bad in drowing. So I just basicly get a paper, search for good pictures, mangas, that I like pictures or scenes from it and well... as a fourth grader would do it, put the paper on the monitor and copy! But it ended up pretty good and he loved it (he is addicted to comics) - this is the cheater way, but everyone can do it


              your comic strip is so cute! I think ill try using that template too
              I love you Nathan <3
              5/25/09 <3


                LadyMarchHare That's really cute =) I wish I could draw I'd love to do that =)


                  awwww i've photoshopped anime charecters that i like or that he likes and they come out really nie, that meme idea is awesome!!!

