I thought I might share... Almost a month ago boyfriend received his "Open When Letters" and I think that both of us were really excited about it. I am still not sure who was more excited if me because he finally received it and I was sooo happy that they arrived safely and that they made it through customs with all the stuff sent inside, or him that felt like a little child on Christmas day (his words) and wanting to open every envelope inside the package. I sent 35 letters and I hope that they last at least for 3 tops 4 months... but even if they don't I am already working on the next ones. I am a craftingeek so I ended up doing everything myself cutting the envelopes so they could be the same size and paper, decorating each one of the and everything inside was almost all handmade too. I really loved how it turned out and he loved it too. 
I still have my list with all the stuff I sent and ideas for 35 letter so if someone ever needs help, just let me know.

I still have my list with all the stuff I sent and ideas for 35 letter so if someone ever needs help, just let me know.
