If you're planning a visit to your love (husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife) ect. it may be fun while your together to write love letters for each other together. My beloved, Badrul, and myself like to write in each other's notebooks or on the back of pictures of us together, I look at his notes for me, either in English or Bengali (Badrul's native tongue)... and smile because it reminds me how much he loves me... and when I put a goofy note at the bottom and he responds... it makes me feel he's beside me again and makes the waiting to see him a little easier. How this works is you each write a letter and then when you both are finished writing the other person adds something somewhere on the page... which the original writer can then choose to respond to. When you are apart again for however long and feeling lonely, this can help to mitigate the pain of being apart form the other half of your heart, and of course to help you remember just why you're still together, despite the difficulty. Not to mention, when the waiting time between letters is long (common for international couples) then you have something to tide you over until the next letter from your sweetie.
Keep your chin up, and remember that love conquers all.
Keep your chin up, and remember that love conquers all.