I'm sure lots of people have done this before, but I bought a perfume when I was in the UK and with Matt. So, for the whole year I was wearing that one perfume. I wear others now, but he won't recognise them. When I send a letter, I spray a little on so that when he opens it, he'll smell me. :o Scent is one of the more powerful memory enhancers (I'm not sure if that's the correct word for it) and so when he smells it, his thoughts may turn to some of the times we've had together...
No announcement yet.
Scented Letters
I always spray letters for Ky with my perfume. I've also soaked a heart shaped piece of felt in my perfume and sent that along with a letter. Ky and I are yet to meet in person but at least this gives him an indication of my scent. I highly recommend sending items with your scent on it, it can be very comforting!
My fiancee Garnet sent a card with her scent on it for me before we had actually met in person as well. It was definitely a nice sort of "piece" of her to have before we could be together. Even though smelling it on cardboard isn't the same as on her.
Not letter specific, but another thing she did was when she sent a care package, included a small container of her perfume in it, so that I could say spray it on my pillow when I go to sleep. I highly recommend this! Just so long as your guy isn't too manly to be caught owning a bottle of perfume.
Before I left last trip, I also left my bottle of cologne with her to use, since I only ever really wear it when I'm with her. Then we can both scent up whatever we want with each others' smell.
Yeah - I left my old bottle of perfume -with a little left in the bottom- for Matt before I left the UK. I like to think he uses it for that... I also made him a small heart-shaped cushion that I covered in that same perfume. He has since tied it onto a teddy I bought him for Christmas, which he keeps on his bed. I definitely think scent is a great idea, especially if the person hasn't met you yet. =]
scent is so important!!
when i traveled away from my SO, before we were LD, he wore a cap for 5 days straight and i had it with me... it smelled his natural scent, which is so much more powerfull than perfume for memories triggering!
and as he left and we became LD i made him a small plush buddy, and had my perfume on it, and slept with it for a week before sending it... its been over 6 months i sent it, and it still smells like me..
i cant recommend this enough; smell is magic!
if only we could send taste too...
Andy's left his empty spray bottles here twice (he was gonna throw them away though but I kept them) and whenevener I miss him I'll smell them and it makes me smile, sometimes cry but it always wakes up such vivid memories of him and I love it... There's no spray in here now though and I miss his smell terribly
Originally posted by ioanna View Posthe wore a cap for 5 days straight and i had it with me... it smelled his natural scent, which is so much more powerfull than perfume for memories triggering!
Taija, you're so lucky! =] I want Matt to send me a shirt or something... That would be nice. And that sucks that he can't smell. It's called anosmia, right? How did get get it, if you don't mind me asking...?
Originally posted by Sarah M View PostAnd that sucks that he can't smell. It's called anosmia, right? How did get get it, if you don't mind me asking...?
Originally posted by Tanja View PostAndy's left his empty spray bottles here twice (he was gonna throw them away though but I kept them) and whenevener I miss him I'll smell them and it makes me smile, sometimes cry but it always wakes up such vivid memories of him and I love it... There's no spray in here now though and I miss his smell terribly
Tanja sent me a scented letter as a surprise and I loved it
I also sent her one (with a little chocolate too) and sprayed my deoderant inside the parcel, I think she liked that
In a relationship with
Read mine & Tanja's story here!
My Albums:
Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
My dog Sam ♥