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A fun letter - I need your help boys!

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    A fun letter - I need your help boys!

    OK, like a lot of guys my boyfriend isn't that lovey-dovey. I've sent him romantic letters but this time round I want to send him a fun one, that will make him laugh and smile! So what do you think I should write/put in it?!! I'm gonna have a good think myself but I'm interested to see if you have any ideas. Perhaps you did something that went down well with your boyf? Or boys, have you gotten anything that really made you laugh?

    Thanks for your help!

    Amy xx

    Try the mad Libs thing, maybe that could work. Also generates funny stories for you that you can print out or write in hand if you like. Or maybe something funny that's happened to the 2 of you? Or a funny convo you had sometime that he won't remember? I'm sure you know how to make your guy smile and laugh

    I know you asked for guy's opinions though but according to Andy I wear the pants in this relationship!


      I sent the SO a few Hoochymail ones! I check back all the time bc they're always changing the free ones they offer. I usually put my email as both and send all the ones available then send the ones I like to him! =D From what I understand he enjoyed them


        Thanks for your replies guys! I did send him a hoochymail once, but he just thought it was weird lol! It's hard thinking of funny stuff we did together coz we haven't seen each other in sooo long but I will think of something


          I'm sure you'll think of something. Maybe make up a silly story about you two as a fairy tale or something? That's always fun.


            I like to send things to my bf that make fun of him in a way. We love to joke around so they always make him laugh. Like one time, I sent him a little pocketbook on Spanish For Dummies. He's half mexican and can't speak spanish so I always joke around with him about that. It was a funny little gift to send and it only cost me $1.


              My SO loves his motorcycle and I just sent him the one about that. I think he will love it. Thanks guys for the ideas. After 3 years some new things to do is great.


                I like that one! hee hee I send them now and then, while he prefers pictures he appreciates these too. lol


                  How about try taking an interest in something he likes. For example if he likes basketball try and learn more about his team or favorite players. If you can some how get autographs or pictures to send with the letter. Maybe even sending a jersey along with the letter but that's going into gifts not letters anymore.

                  If you know the date you are going to see him again you can get concert tickets to a band he likes or even a gift card to the movies and tell him he can choose the movie.

                  hope this helps


                    Do you two have any inside jokes? You could do something related to one of them.
                    Also, I asked my SO what was the most riduculous thing I could draw, and he said a banana in a sombrero. I drew it, and he loved it. Lol...

