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Online Gallery

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    Online Gallery

    I really want to start up a love letter gallery. I have 1 letter from Gurl, but I need lots more! If you'd like to contribute and show off letters you have received or are sending to your bf/gf, just send me an email with a scanned image of your letter. If you want you can blur out the names or any other details you'd like to keep private and even have the letter be anonymously posted if you don't want anyone to know it's yours. I can also blur out details if you don't have an editor.

    I think this would be a cool addition to the site and something that maybe even people who aren't in LDRs would be interested in viewing. So send me your most romantic/cute/silly/fun letters!
    Read my LDR story!

    I love this idea. I'd be happy to contribute. I'll get to that soon, but I have lesson plans and what not to do for my 2nd graders first! =D But SOON!


      I still only have 1 letter for the online love letter gallery thanks to Gurl!

      Does anyone else want to contribute? It can be completely 100% anonymous if you want. Just send it to my email
      Read my LDR story!


        here is an example of a love letter gallery. These are old military love letters from the civil war, WWI, WWII

        I think it would be really cool to have a modern day version of this.
        Read my LDR story!


          I think this is a great idea but what about not just limiting it to love letters but also including other handmade things that people have made or received? Some people make scrapbooks, countdown calendars, collages, etc and share pictures of these items in the forum from time to time. Maybe members would be inclined to share pictures of such things for the gallery?


            I do like the idea of being able to submit other crafty things. I guess it wouldn't be a love "letter" gallery, but it would still be fun to see other things as well! For example, I spent two weeks making my SO a drawing using conte and prisma colors for our 6 month anniversary and it turned out wonderful


              I have been working on our next contest, and it actually involves a new page of the site that can include pictures like these. So if I am going to have a page like that, then that would be the most appropriate place for things like this.

              I still would love to have a separate anonymous love letter gallery. It would be nice to share modern day love letters. It would be inspiring for the many many people who don't write letters. The gallery could include not just letters but also short notes.
              Read my LDR story!


                I tried to take a picture of the last letter I wrote before I sent it, but after I sent it, I realised that the photo is not clear. I will definitely try to take better photos of the next one! I have a journal that I wrote to him, so I'll also take a look at that and see if there are any nice notes in there. It's a great idea Michelle!


                  I liked some so much I scanned them so I could keep rereading them. Like the first one all about my detailed memory of the first time we met and the first I love you. But I have some on the computer that I printed....I'm about to attempt to send those. I'll type up or scan the others ummm eventually. lol


                    Originally posted by Rach321 View Post
                    I tried to take a picture of the last letter I wrote before I sent it, but after I sent it, I realised that the photo is not clear. I will definitely try to take better photos of the next one! I have a journal that I wrote to him, so I'll also take a look at that and see if there are any nice notes in there. It's a great idea Michelle!
                    If you have a scanner that would be the best way, it will definitely be more readable.
                    Read my LDR story!


                      I have a letter that I'd like to submit as it was a turning point in Obi and my relationship and it's very emptionally charged, but I never sent him a hand written copy as when I wrote it, it wasn't with the intention he'd actually read it. I wrote it as a way to release my frustrations and eventually sent it over msn messenger because I simply couldn't get past the issue alone.
                      I know that there are quite a few people here who can't send/recieve actual mail from their SO for whatever reason also, and I'm wondering if you might consider a small minority of submissions being screen shots of emails or documents?
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        I guess if you can make the screen shot big enough so it is all in one shot, then I guess that's fine.

                        Also, in case anyone hasn't checked their email, there is a new contest involving this and another gallery I'm making:

                        Read my LDR story!


                          Unfortunately, I don't have a scanner its too bad because I have some beautiful letters. I do have some lovely emails, but I think that would go against your theme of handwritten things.


                            Will send some in soon!

