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.. I don't know what to title this thread. Dx

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    .. I don't know what to title this thread. Dx

    Just a little back story here, my so and I have a habit of sending messages that hold an actual meaning or importance to the other while they are offline. Kinda of a 'here is something for you to find when you get back' thing, or something.. idk. It's mainly me that does this because I have a horrible habit of not being able to speak my true feelings to someones face, but he does it at times as well.

    Anyway, on to the point. Earlier today I get online to find this posted on my facebook wall:
    "hey babe this is my proposal...
    you are always on my mind and i cant see myself with anyone else...
    baby you are in my heart and soul and i shall love you forever...
    in the good and bad times i will be there...
    and if you accept, there for the day...
    babe, marry me?"
    With him appearing offline, until I commented on the post.

    Now, we have a habit of doing fake 'proposals' and such to each other at times. I love the man, so it's obvious that I would say yes, be it real or fake. However, he said that it was real this time and the fake ones have like no detail at all, they're just a "marry me now", "will you marry me?", etc type thing.
    He even called me during our chat to tell me how I officially have claim over him now and tell me that he has been wearing the ring that I sent him a month or so ago.

    I don't know how to feel about all of this. I'm stuck in this surreal moment where my mind can't grasp the concept that it could be (and seems very much) real.
    I've been talking to him all day, I'm still talking to him now (IM chat because his cell service sucks where he is atm). He called me his fiance earlier and it threw me off for a minute.
    I'm not worried about if 'he's the one' or anything like that, everything feels right with him. It has from the moment that we started getting to know each other better.
    And it's not like I have never been in a serious relationship before, so I know it's not that. I was with my previous bf for 4-5 years and we even moved in together.
    I just can't seem to wrap my head around the idea and realize that it's real. Maybe it will seem more real once I can hold him and call him mine instead of being here and saying it from a distance?
    Idk. He makes me happy though and I know that I don't want to lose him so that's what matters.
    "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
    This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

    "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
    Por siempre, mi amor. ♥

    When will you see each other next? I think you need to speak to each other about this face to face, even if you don't find it easy to do. A proposal is an important matter! I'm not surprised the whole thing seems surreal, I know a big part of me wouldn't be able to believe it if my SO asked me to marry him like that.


      O.o Maybe I'm getting old, I worry that I am, but as touching as his post was... if someone proposed to me (like the serious, this is it, asking - not a joke) over the net, on FACEBOOK.. not even in real time... the answer would be NO. Or "Not no, just not now.. not like this".

      Marriage, and the things that lead up to that.. are serious.

      So I dunno... maybe it doesn't feel real because... well.. I don't want to say "it isn't" because if it's real for you both that's all that matters... but maybe if you had some different expectation that's part of it?

      But, it seems like congratulations are in order!

      I hope this is the beginning of something long and beautiful.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        I agree with Zephii, a facebook proposal is just as bad as breaking up by email! If he is for real, he needs to at least do it over camera on skype or the phone or when you see him next.


          Originally posted by lademoiselle View Post
          When will you see each other next? I think you need to speak to each other about this face to face, even if you don't find it easy to do. A proposal is an important matter! I'm not surprised the whole thing seems surreal, I know a big part of me wouldn't be able to believe it if my SO asked me to marry him like that.
          I'm supposed to be going to see him this summer, so in about a month or so? I'm aiming for early-mid July, we just have to see if every thing goes as planned.

          Originally posted by Zephii View Post
          O.o Maybe I'm getting old, I worry that I am, but as touching as his post was... if someone proposed to me (like the serious, this is it, asking - not a joke) over the net, on FACEBOOK.. not even in real time... the answer would be NO. Or "Not no, just not now.. not like this".

          Marriage, and the things that lead up to that.. are serious.

          So I dunno... maybe it doesn't feel real because... well.. I don't want to say "it isn't" because if it's real for you both that's all that matters... but maybe if you had some different expectation that's part of it?

          But, it seems like congratulations are in order!

          I hope this is the beginning of something long and beautiful.
          I think this may be part of what it is with me too.. I think. x_x;
          I mean, I know that he means well and all, seeing as our relationship has been kind of odd from the start, but I think I'm going to have to talk with him about this when he gets home (he's away at a friends house right now) so that I can actually speak to him instead of it all being in text over messages.
          Like I told him, I would say 'yes' either way, I just think I need a little bit more of an in depth conversation on the matter to find out what is really going on and why he decided to ask that so suddenly out of nowhere. My guess is that he has had way too much time to sit playing with his ring while thinking and did it on a whim since the feeling was there.
          Yeah.. we definitely need to talk about this.. It's been hours now and I'm still trying to figure out what just happened. ^^;;

          Either way, there will be no wedding in the near future because we both have things that we need to do for ourselves before jumping into doing things completely together. So, it's not as shocking and 'wtf just happened o.O' as it would be if one (or both) of us were doing that now.

          Thanks by the way, lol.
          "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
          This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

          "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
          Por siempre, mi amor. ♥


            To each its own, but like the others said, I wouldn't be able to take an online proposal seriously....
            Not to get clever
            but with you I see forever
            But whatever it is,
            Here's to you,
            I Love You Kid...

