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Jumping on the bandwagon

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    Jumping on the bandwagon

    I'm trying to find a good way to explain how I feel... I'll give it my best shot.

    Another one of my (not so close) friends got engaged. My reaction Everyone's getting engaged/married. And I feel like when I tie the knot I'm just going to be another 20-something girl who has hit the "right age" and happens to be with a guy who will buy me a ring. I guess I just don't like that I'll be following a trend. I don't know... is this a totally stupid feeling? Does anyone understand what I'm trying to say?


    I love my SO and I'm really excited about getting hitched. But I also feel like everyone will just be like "yup, there goes another one..."

    I think I understand. From time to time I get driven round the bend by the thought that I never want to settle down, because I don't want to do "what society expects me to do" or "be like everyone else" I know that's irrational and I don't even mean it deep down, but there you go. Not quite the same as what you're talking about, but maybe it stems from a similar feeling - the desire to be unique, perhaps? The thing is, even if everyone you knew were to get engaged and married right now, it wouldn't detract at all from your big day, as what you and your SO have is different to what other couples have! You're getting married now because this is the age you happened to be at when your found the man you love All I can advise is to remind yourself of that everytime you start to feel this way, and don't worry for a moment about what anyone else thinks. You and your SO are the ones who know how it really is, and at the end of the day that's what counts


      Completely. At least 3 of my fb friends have gotten engaged in the past week. I can't even tell you how many have gotten engaged/married in the past 6 months.... I'm going to guess something absurd like, 50? and like, 4 more are getting married a year from today (so obviously, they have posted about it).

      My SO & I aren't engaged yet, but I know when we do get engaged I'll be "just another one" to get engaged. If I had my say, we would have been engaged 10 months ago.

      So, no. it's not a stupid feeling. But like lademaoiselle said, it will be your big day. That's the important part! (I have to remind myself of that too for when "our time" finally comes.) But hey, at least you're almost on the other side! And then you can tell us un-married folk all about how great it is to be married to your once-long-distant-love.

      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
      Progress: Complete!

      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
      Progress: Working on it.

