Hey guys,
I'm new and I'm not sure if this is really the right place to be putting this, and I suppose it's not even really long-distance specific...but I need some advice.
I'm desperately in love with my SO, and the truly wonderful thing is that he's just as in love with me. After coming through a series of relationships where I was always just a little "more into it" than my guy was, and sort of getting accustomed to that and thinking it was natural, it's amazing to be with someone who makes it so abundantly clear, all the time, that I mean the world to him. He wants to spend the rest of his life with me, and I think that sounds absolutely perfect, too! We have so many dreams together already...and our first goal is of course to be together.
So anyway, at this point I know that he loves me, I know that at some point he wants to move in together, and I know that he wants to marry me (though I'm pretty certain that that's a few years down the road, if we make it that far- which I'm certain we can!
). But I know that there are other issues involved when you become that serious...and so I began to ask questions about it. On most things we agree perfectly...but today we got to the kids issue. He said that kids can be adorable, but babies crying is the worst sound he knows and it gives him an explosive headache,and so he said he definitely doesn't want them now. I asked if he wanted kids later, and he said maybe, but that there were just so many downsides that he didn't know if he could stand it. He said that my hormones would be awful for 9 months and I'd be (even more :P) impossible, we'd then hear screaming around the clock, and the diapers would be unbearable.
I answered that of course kids are hard work, but that they can also be wonderful and the true showing of how much you love each other....the point where two really DO "become one". He responded that the risk of all that work is that it takes so much effort that it's impossible to keep the love between the couple, and he didn't think the risk would ever be worth it for us. I said that I didn't think that risk was even worth mentioning because it was so small, and used my parents as an example. They're still head over heels for each other, three adored kids later.
Then he said that the thing was that I'd have to give so much attention to the kid that it would take my attention away from him, and same with him. He wouldn't give the kid as much attention as he felt he should because he'd want to give it all to me. He said that a kid would require our FULL attention, which meant we wouldn't have any for each other. I told him that it didn't have to be that way- a couple becomes a family, and the whole is greater than its parts- it all just gets BETTER, not worse. He said that that could be true, but he also had such a really special feeling with just us. I told him that he wouldn't have to lose that- a child becomes part of it. I said that it wouldn't mean anyone got less attention or love, because that's the amazing thing about love- it has no limit. Love never has to stop growing, whether it's for one person or if you learn to love tons of people. I said that love can be infinite, and that loving is a skill.
He replied that he liked my way of thinking, so there is hope for him yet.
But then he went on to say that, as it is now, he's just not skilled enough then to love anyone else but me. And from there it got kind of onto other subjects through that whole train of thought, weird connections thing.
I'm sorry this message is so incredibly wrong, but I guess it culminates in this: What should I do? I know that this whole thing is years down the road, so it doesn't matter at this instant...but at the same time, what's the point of continuing it if I know that it won't work? Because I want kids at some point, I know that I do. But I've also never felt this way and I really do think he may be, to use a cliche, "the one". He's certain that I'm the one. But I don't want to give up children, and I also wouldn't want him to just "give in" to having kids and not really want them...any recommendations on how to soothe these impending-father fears?
Thank you all so much for any advice!
I'm new and I'm not sure if this is really the right place to be putting this, and I suppose it's not even really long-distance specific...but I need some advice.
I'm desperately in love with my SO, and the truly wonderful thing is that he's just as in love with me. After coming through a series of relationships where I was always just a little "more into it" than my guy was, and sort of getting accustomed to that and thinking it was natural, it's amazing to be with someone who makes it so abundantly clear, all the time, that I mean the world to him. He wants to spend the rest of his life with me, and I think that sounds absolutely perfect, too! We have so many dreams together already...and our first goal is of course to be together.
So anyway, at this point I know that he loves me, I know that at some point he wants to move in together, and I know that he wants to marry me (though I'm pretty certain that that's a few years down the road, if we make it that far- which I'm certain we can!

I answered that of course kids are hard work, but that they can also be wonderful and the true showing of how much you love each other....the point where two really DO "become one". He responded that the risk of all that work is that it takes so much effort that it's impossible to keep the love between the couple, and he didn't think the risk would ever be worth it for us. I said that I didn't think that risk was even worth mentioning because it was so small, and used my parents as an example. They're still head over heels for each other, three adored kids later.
Then he said that the thing was that I'd have to give so much attention to the kid that it would take my attention away from him, and same with him. He wouldn't give the kid as much attention as he felt he should because he'd want to give it all to me. He said that a kid would require our FULL attention, which meant we wouldn't have any for each other. I told him that it didn't have to be that way- a couple becomes a family, and the whole is greater than its parts- it all just gets BETTER, not worse. He said that that could be true, but he also had such a really special feeling with just us. I told him that he wouldn't have to lose that- a child becomes part of it. I said that it wouldn't mean anyone got less attention or love, because that's the amazing thing about love- it has no limit. Love never has to stop growing, whether it's for one person or if you learn to love tons of people. I said that love can be infinite, and that loving is a skill.
He replied that he liked my way of thinking, so there is hope for him yet.

I'm sorry this message is so incredibly wrong, but I guess it culminates in this: What should I do? I know that this whole thing is years down the road, so it doesn't matter at this instant...but at the same time, what's the point of continuing it if I know that it won't work? Because I want kids at some point, I know that I do. But I've also never felt this way and I really do think he may be, to use a cliche, "the one". He's certain that I'm the one. But I don't want to give up children, and I also wouldn't want him to just "give in" to having kids and not really want them...any recommendations on how to soothe these impending-father fears?
Thank you all so much for any advice!