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'Unplugged' weddings - photography

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    'Unplugged' weddings - photography

    Someone shared an interesting article on Facebook, on how guests can ruin the professional photos by jumping in the aisle to get a shot, or using the flash on their cameras/phones. Never really thought about that, but I could see how having an 'unplugged' wedding makes sense, if you look at some of these results. After all, the couple pays a ton of money for a professional photographer.
    What do you guys think?

    it'S a bit of a tough one. Because
    1) reagrding the cellphones.. i think it's hard to ask people not to have their cellphones turned on during something that lasts a few hours. But maybe asking them to have them on silent and ignore them as much as possible is an idea..
    2) Photos.. i totally get it. But I also get that soe people want their own memories from the wedding. Or you bought an expensive dress .. you want photos in that dress lets's say and the photographer isn't always around to provide that.

    With those caveats, I would say it's a very, very good idea. It totally works for me.. especially because my SO and I already have this policy of trying to be present first, trying to capture and take in as much of the place or moment as possible.. photos for us come second and we rarely take any. Except these days I guess when we're trying to take more for the VISA.


      I can see this guy's point, but honestly I think he needs to get over it. It's just one of those things I imagine you'd deal with in that kind of profession.

      I guess it is probably something to think about depending on your guests. I mean, you know who you invited and what they are like (hopefully anyway!). If you think they are likely to be disrespectful then it might be worth "unplugging" but I found at my wedding that people gave the professional photographers right-of-way every time. And excepting for two photos where the photographers accidentally got each other in the picture (we had two semi-professional student photographers) there are none where a guest was in the way taking a photo, and the photographers always got to chose their spots first.

      None of my guests were rude enough to get in our faces during the dances or other important moments.... So I just find it hard to believe that in the majority of cases people are going to be dicks at someone else's wedding.

      I can see why flashes would be a problem, but then, wouldn't people use that sparingly knowing how disturbing a flash would be to the couple in an important moment?

      Interesting article though
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        I get it... and so we're going to politely remind guests to refrain from flash photography, and to silence their phones. But, seeing as we have a hashtag for our wedding.... we're kind of encouraging them to take pictures with their phones. However, I trust that no one will be rude and get in the way of our "protographers".

        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
        Progress: Complete!

        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
        Progress: Working on it.


          Originally posted by Zephii View Post
          I can see this guy's point, but honestly I think he needs to get over it. It's just one of those things I imagine you'd deal with in that kind of profession.

          I guess it is probably something to think about depending on your guests. I mean, you know who you invited and what they are like (hopefully anyway!). If you think they are likely to be disrespectful then it might be worth "unplugging" but I found at my wedding that people gave the professional photographers right-of-way every time. And excepting for two photos where the photographers accidentally got each other in the picture (we had two semi-professional student photographers) there are none where a guest was in the way taking a photo, and the photographers always got to chose their spots first.

          None of my guests were rude enough to get in our faces during the dances or other important moments.... So I just find it hard to believe that in the majority of cases people are going to be dicks at someone else's wedding.

          I can see why flashes would be a problem, but then, wouldn't people use that sparingly knowing how disturbing a flash would be to the couple in an important moment?

          Interesting article though
          This is my experience in weddings. I love taking pictures, but if I see the photographer I get my ass out of the way. The most recent wedding I went to the couple posed for pictures right after the wedding. Everyone stood behind the photographer to try to get their pictures.


            My neighbors just recently had a small'ish wedding and they had everyone taking pictures instead of a professional photographer. It was honestly such a nightmare and seeing all the pictures uploaded on facebook made me sad that the best they got were blurry iphone pictures with instagram filters. I guess it's just what you deem important for the big deal. For me- it would be quality photographers and having guests stay out of pictures haha.

            Thanks for the article!


              Good read. I LOVE our photographer we chose. He was VERY good at moving people out of the way and knew exactly how to zoom the right way. Our pics are gorgeous. My favorite one though? A random one my cousin took....Those random ones are some of the best ones...the most natural..not posed for pics.
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                You just need a photographer who knows how to avoid those things. An amateur may just take shots without a care and without any knowledge of the science of it. I have taken classes in photography and I've photographed a wedding before, and my pictures came out pretty well and so did the other photographer's who was there.

