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Our Wedding- 1 year ago!!

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    Our Wedding- 1 year ago!!

    well I thought i'd make a blog about our wedding. I can't believe it's almost our 1 year anniversary.

    This past year has been a year of up's and down's. I can honestly say that our marriage has not made things any easier.

    Our wedding was planned fast, because my grandpa was sick and we wanted him there. It ended up that he passed away at 7am the day of the wedding. Kinda shitty eh? It was bittersweet.

    Our wedding was very "Home made". It was at a hall that my grandfather was the president the hall was free. I work for a restaurant so they ended up catering our wedding for.... free. It was a "homestyle meal" as they call it- Roast Beef Sirloin, Mashed potatos, veggies, rolls, ceasar salad... you get the point. In my opinion, awesome food lol. It was a buffet style.

    I think in total we had about 65 people there for the wedding and reception. We held both at the same location and just seperated the 2 areas by a large back drop that we ended up moving behind the head table once we arrived after pictures.

    we had a limo..and had pictures done in NIagara falls. They turned out beautiful.

    All of our decorations were home made. My mom made all the center pieces by using mason jars, candles and some nice ribbon. Our cake was also free. A good friend of mine owns her own baking business and made our cake /cupcakes for free as a wedding gift.
    As you can see.. we saved a HELL of a lot of money.
    Michelle's dress was beautiful and our tuxes were super nice. I was really happy with how everyone looked.

    See though.. michelle thinks our wedding was an embarrassment. BUT.. every body understood the circumstances- we rushed it up a year so my grandpa would be there. It was hard enough on me my grandma passed in the summer and i didnt wanna go without the one man who meant the most in the world to me. It was a great day and night. A LOT of crying... and well a lot of booze lol but it was awesome in my opinion. I just wish Michelle didnt hate our wedding.

    On a note of Marriage. Well... michelle and I never had a very active sex life previous to marriage and it has only gotten worse. Shes very self concious about her body. i know a lot of you may judge that.. but you can't change how someone feels. I've never cheated on her, im attracted to her and i want to be all over her.. but its hard when you don't love yourself to allow someone else to love you. I get it. But, its hard sometimes. Its hard having to rely on your hand lol.
    We argue a lot about things we never used to- for instance i find we dont have the patience we used to have with eachother.. like we kinda expect eachother to have changed some of our ways. I find michelle fights me on things a lot more and I find im always mad or stressed about something.
    Keep in mind, ive had a rough year (executor of my grandpas estate).

    I feel like now that theres an end to the estate stuff, we will have a chance to finally move forward with our life and grow our marriage the right way.With less stress and worries i think it'll make a huge difference for us. We are taking some money from my inheritance in the spring and going on a honeymoon it will be fantastic and i can't wait!!!!!

    Well, theres a bit of a summary of our wedding and marriage lol

    Oh no! I'm sorry for your loss. Hopefully things start looking up once the estate is settled.

    On a side note: Your wedding photos are lovely. Your wife is a stunner.


      Happy anniversary! ^_^


        Happy anniversary! and I'm so sorry about your Grandpa, that must have been so hard on you

        <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
        <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
        The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
        <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
        <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
        Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
        Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


          Time flies, huh? Happy anniversary! I'm sorry to hear your grandparents passed, especially on the day of your wedding, that must have been hard.

          Keep your chin up, marriage is hard (or rather living with someone). Best of luck


            Well Happy Anniversary a little belatedly I hope things start to smoothe out for you now that you've made it past the first year!

