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So...when did you start hearing wedding bells? :)

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    I pretty much went "Well hello there. Our children will be beautiful," when we first met lol, but we´ve been "seriously" talking about it for the past 6 months - year ish?

    "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
    -Miguel De Cervantes

    Read our story HERE


      We exchanged, "I see myself spending the rest of my life with you" about, um, 4-5 months into our relationship, maybe? Something like that.

      Right about when we went long distance, I asked him, "Why don't we just say we're engaged?" but he had valid reasons as to why we couldn't.

      We seriously started talking marriage at the beginning of this year (so about a year into our relationship) and that has reached a fever pitch. Honestly, the only thing that's missing is the ring. (Christmas, I'm thinking.) Even last night on the phone, we did the whole "It's not official, but it's happening." thing.
      ♥ Erika & Thomas ♥
      ♥ Est. January 13, 2011 ♥ Became LDR July 1, 2011 ♥ Christmas visit December 24 - 29, 2011 ♥ Closed the distance June 2, 2012 ♥

      ♪ Cause with you I'd withstand all of it to hold your hand ♫


        I think I felt almost instantly he was the man for me. It's just that knowing feeling that you get when it seems like everything in life just clicked together. However, I think he has been a little more hesitant than me, and it probably took a year before we really started talking about the possibilities. We will be celebrating our 3 year LDR in a couple of weeks.

        Because I do feel so passionately about our relationship and this will be a 2nd marriage for me and 3rd for him, I've told him that I still want to be formally asked. I don't want the proposal to be something we decide one morning over breakfast. I want that moment to be special and I want him to put some thought into it. I want it to be a surprise. He feels the same way as me, so I know when the day comes it will be worth the wait.


          We both felt that we were soul mates for each other. We started talking about marriage within about 6 months into the relationship, and finally completed the deed this past February. I have always felt he was the perfect match for me, and had no desire looking for anyone else. I feel that he understands me more than anybody, and that we share a deep connection on a mental, emotional, and physical level.


            I want to be as far away as possible from any/all wedding bells. I've told my SO this. Right now he seems to accept it. That doesn't mean I don't see a future with him, It just means that I'm very much wedding phobic.


              I've thought for awhile that I wanted to be with him forever HOWEVER I haven't started thinking about us getting married until about 2 months ago....
              Not to get clever
              but with you I see forever
              But whatever it is,
              Here's to you,
              I Love You Kid...

