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Wedding invitations!

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    Wedding invitations!

    To take a break from the depressing suff in my life, I thought I'd start having a crack at wedding invites. We have most of the suppiles because we're making them by hand (will post pictures upon request!) and we have our colours and a guest list, venues and all that jaz... but! It's the wording that's interesting for me.

    See, traditionally, the bride's parents invite people because they are the ones paying for it. I really like the wording on these old style ones.. Ours is a formal wedding (abeilt a very small one!). However, as my parents are busy being angels for the foreseeable future, they are neither paying nor hosting. Would it be weird to pretend they were? I think it would be.

    Now, my sister is the head of my family, she's giving me away and all that. Would it be weird to say she's inviting people to my wedding? She's not paying for it, of course, but does that matter?

    I don't know, I'm haing a lot of thoughts. But seeming I'm not the only one getting hitched around here I thought we could share our wordings, our concerns, our themes and colours and post pictures and stuff!

    So yes! Tell me about your invites?
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

    Ohhh I request to see pictures when you're done!!

    We aren't doing invites for a long time since we're going to do a very very small immediate family only wedding and then a bigger celebration much later. But I think that you can chose a wording that won't really indicate who is paying. This board had some good ideas:

    I like this:
    "because you have shared in our lives
    by your friendship and love,
    together with our families
    we invite you to celebrate our marriage"
    But maybe that's not formal enough for what you are going for?


      I asked my sister and she doesn't think it's weird and creepy, so she's "hosting" now. Who knows, if people think she's paying they might feel obliged to help out haha

      That's a beautiful quote
      We're doing cards that open up, so perhaps something like that could go on the front? Still a work in progress!
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        I'm working on filling out invites right now, so this is a timely topic indeed. I'd love to see pictures of yours when you finish making them!

        I used this site to help me perfect my invite wording:

        Wording-wise, I followed the traditional "[Dad] and [Mom] request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter [Me] to [Him], son of [His dad] and [His mom]" route, myself. I saw an example under the "deceased parents" section where the bride's sister and her husband gave her away in the invitation, so I don't think you would be alone for wanting to include your sister in this. IMO, "giving away" doesn't immediately equally "footing the bill," as both myself, my fiance, and his parents are all putting forth money toward financing the wedding.

        These are the invitations we chose.
        My heart belongs to a pilot!

