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Dream Proposal?

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    Dream Proposal?

    Does anyone have a certain way they want someone to propose to them? :]

    I know I do. I've always dreamed of this huge romantic speech. Listing the reasons why they love me and including little quirks that I thought no one notices etc. But I doubt that'll happen.

    I have imagined that one day my boyfriend will propose to me with a song that he made and wrote lyrics to. He plays guitar and is so talented, and I'm his biggest fan! To have him write something special for this occasion would be the sweetest thing ever, and when the song is over, he pulls out the ring and asks to marry me! That would by my dream proposal And somewhere with people around because I always wanted people to be around to kinda be a show off that I just got engaged haha but yes, that would be so sweet

    O and it has to be a big surprise, I want to have no idea!


      A surprise... that is all I want, to be surprised! I've been engaged twice before and both times the decision to become engaged came from a conversation and then I picked out a ring. This time I don't want to know about it... of course I want something romantic, heartfelt and with memmories to last forever....


        I just want us to be completely alone. Cause i most likely would cry, so no restaurant or baseball game or anything like that lol I have had multiple daydreams of being proposed to over the years but i have no specific way i want to be proposed to. Just want to feel and see the love he has for me Oh! but i do want the old fashion get down on one knee!
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          No public places, or at least nowhere with a lot of people. No gimmicks like putting it in my food or wine. My ideal proposal would be him to get down on one knee on one of our walks in the park together :3 I would love that!

          But I dunno what I'm going to get lol apparently he has a countdown to the day (wish he wouldn't tell me these things, I'm going to be watching him like a hawk on my next visit for strange behavior ) he's going to propose =/ I know it will be great and perfect no matter what though, so long as we are engaged afterwards

          <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
          <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
          The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
          <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
          <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
          Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
          Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


            I have never thought about it. I don't think I will start giving much thought either because if I have an idea in my mind and it doesn't go like I dreamed of I do not want to be disappointed.


              Hahah I've told him before, no audience! And doing it online doesn't count. (;


                I have no set ideals for the perfect proposal but a few months ago I had a dream that my SO somehow got my favorite band to allow us to come onto stage during a concert and he proposed in the middle of the show, I thought that was really cute, but it doesn't really matter as long as it's thoughtful and sweet. ^^

                Met: 8.17.09
                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                First Met: 10.2.10
                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                  Originally posted by nicole View Post
                  No public places, or at least nowhere with a lot of people. No gimmicks like putting it in my food or wine. My ideal proposal would be him to get down on one knee on one of our walks in the park together :3 I would love that!
                  This is how I felt about it too. I wanted it to be a sacred moment between us. I wanted him to make a romantic speech.
                  He did propose to me when we were alone, he did make a romantic speech, I cried. But there were also parts that I hadn't expected that added to it. It wasn't a surprise, we had discussed it for a month before and I knew when he was going to do it. But I actually ended up really appreciating that. I felt like it was a decision we were making together, a mutual proposal, and I got to make my own romantic speech


                    Times square, New Years Eve just as it turns 12 o'clock and Frank Sinatra starts playing!!!


                      I've day dreamed a lot, but the actual dream I had about a proposal was my SO and I in a park having lunch. He got down on one knee and proposed to me in Spanish. It was totally cute!

                      But whatever happens is fine.


                        It changes every time I think about it, but I don't really care how it's going to happen.


                          I've always imagined walking down the beach, really early with the sunrise or late with the sunset and him getting on one knee. I want it to be a surprise though!!! I'd be more than happy with whatever else I get, I'm not picky at all!


                            I wouldn't want anything too grandiose or over-the-top. I'm a very quiet, more reserved person, so tacky isn't really my stadiums or jumbo trons. xD I'd love something simple. Like nic&matt said, I'd LOVE to be proposed to at the beach. That's my spot. I live on Long Island, so I'm right near the beach, in fact, I work at a beach during the summers, so that's my favorite place in the world. I picture us going for a walk at the beach, holding hands with a beautiful sunset behind us, and then, he pops the question on one knee either on the boardwalk or down by the ocean, with the waves crashing behind us. *sigh* I'd actually like to discuss the possibility of engagement before the question is actually asked, but I don't want to know exactly when he's going to propose. Also, I don't want an expensive ring....I'd be too afraid to lose it, and also I don't need my guy to spend a ton of money on me to show he loves me. Money can't buy my love!

                            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                              I honestly want it to be a surprise ^^; so far pretty much no one has been able to surprise me with something big. I don't like knowing what presents are when I get them for Christmas or birthday but those are never huge surprises it'll be like... a book that I had on my birthday list or something and my brothers and I have gotten pretty good at guessing ^^; my friends have even attempted (on more than one occasion) to throw me a surprise party of some sort (one was a birthday and one was when I was changing schools and a "going away" party) so I really want a surprise. I want to not know what's going on when it happens. I want him to take me somewhere either that we've never been or that we regularly go, I want either things to go normally, things to start going horribly, or things to start going perfectly (things going horribly as in they "messed up" our order or just something going "wrong") and him surprise me.

                              I have imagined him wanting to go do it at the Rose Garden here in town but I don't think that'll happen. My only reasons for half wanting it to happen there is that was the place my parents got married, it's a really beautiful garden, I used to go and play there as a kid, and's just romantic ^^;

                              But, yeah... I really don't know how I want it just that I want it to be a surprise.

