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too soon?

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    too soon?

    I've only known my girlfriend since April (got together in May) and I feel a little silly in saying that I want - nay, I AM going to marry her some day. Am I crazy? I've visited her for a weekend in July..I feel like I'm saying this so soon. I grew up in mormon culture and even when I was mormon I always made fun of the fact that people got engaged and married so quickly in the church...

    I've only met her once and only been dating her for three months...we webcam/voicechat on skype a lot, and IM on skype otherwise, and she always calls me on her breaks at work. I feel a little I just crazy in love?

    I'm barely even 20, but I feel pretty sure about this. Did any of you think this so soon into dating your SO?

    p.s. I actually don't like the term 'SO' but I'm too tired to think of a good alternative.

    Love you forever and forever
    Love you with all my heart
    Love you whenever we're together
    Love you when we're apart.

    I would suggest waiting, because the first few months your still learning and getting to know your SO. Me and my nathan were perfect when we first got together but at around 6 months is when the struggles came. And we made it through them all, but i think you have to wait and see if you two can make it through hard times. Some questions, have your familys met? Have you guys talked about marriage before? What about other things like kids, money, where you live? I thinks its normal and fine to want to get married to your SO and to imagine and think about it and to know you want to some day, i just think before you actually do it you should wait and make sure you really know your SO. bust best of wishes! I hope you guys do tie the knot! And when you guys do be sure to update us all here!
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      talked a little about marriage, a lot about kids (neither of us want kids, but we both acknowledge that the VERY SMALL possibly of adoption isn't impossible) not that much about money, and a little about about where we want to live.

      we talk and talk and talk. Just today, I was on a six and a half hour voicechat/webcam call. My ears still hurt a little from the headset!

      I don't want to get married NOW, no! absolutely not! I'm just wondering if these feelings are so normal this fast!

      Love you forever and forever
      Love you with all my heart
      Love you whenever we're together
      Love you when we're apart.


        oh okay that changes things. lol i think its sweet and it shows your not afraid of committing. I love it when my SO brings up our future, it makes me feel good and that our relationship is going forward. So yeah I think its normal, i had future thoughts early in our relationship too.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          she has future thoughts too. I don't plan to be married. anytime soon, still things that need to be sorted out, but 'how do I see my life in 5 years' I see it with her, married if possible. Engaged if not. Possibly on in the Northwest. OR/WA/BC are beautiful places. No kids. Unless at least one cat and one dog count!!!

          next paycheck, I'm thinking about getting the 1000 questions book thing that Michelle and Frank suggest. It hasn't be that long since my sweetheart and I have gotten together, but I'm still going to get it. To know more before knowing what I'm TRULY into.

          Love you forever and forever
          Love you with all my heart
          Love you whenever we're together
          Love you when we're apart.


            The minute I saw my SO before I even knew him I knew he was the one. I hate saying it cause it sounds so corny but I just had a feeling that we were going to get together. I don't think its too soon to have those feelings but I wouldn't rush into marriage.


              I originally met my SO when I was 18 and the first day we spent together, I fell in love. We had this moment where we were walking around with his (then) 2 year old son and we ran into some one he knew. The friend asked him if his son & I were his family and in that very minute I knew I wanted him to say yes and make it so. I fell in love with him that day - it took one day to know I wanted to be with him and only him for the rest of our lives. And maybe it did not work out that way originally but we managed to end up back together with the plan to definitely stay together for the rest of our lives.


                Of course I feel like I could marry my SO. But this also isn't the first time I've said that to myself. In the early months of a relationship, puppy love is strong and you feel like you could be together forever. Luckily, I didn't marry any of those other guys, I was too young, they were too different. Now, even though I want to be with my SO, I am mature enough to know being married isn't going to determine our relationship. It's just a piece of paper. And sometimes, it can ruin a good thing. I'm cool with waiting


                  I met my SO when I was only 15, and we instantly clicked. Weeks in to our relationship we openly talked about the future and where we saw ourselves, even about how many kids we wanted down the road. 3 years later we're married to each other and planning on our family once we close the distance. Every relationship takes a different course, and age doesn't have much to do with it in my eyes. If you feel like your SO is the one you want to spend your life with, then there's nothing too crazy or too soon about that. But, I would advise not to jump straight to marriage, but an engagement wouldn't hurt or may be even a promise ring. It shows that you want your future to be with her and that you're willing to make that commitment.


                    I guess that my situation is a little different because my boyfriend and I were best friends for about 2 years before I started dating him, but within 2 months of us dating we were talking about getting married, having kids etc. It is kind of a given in the way that we talk that we will get married. I knew pretty much within the first month of dating him that he was the man I wanted to marry, and I still think that, I think partially that is the reason why I was willing to be in a LDR, because I know that he's worth it and there's no one else.

                    I don't think you're weird or crazy for thinking it, although I do think that love is blind, especially so during the honeymoon stage. Even though I knew he was the guy I wanted to marry, had he asked me to marry him I would have told him it was too early to say yes. Just because there are things that you have to get used to about that person before you can commit to living together forever with. I think that even now, I might be a little wary on saying yes, just because we have gotten so used to being in a LDR that I'm sure there would have to be transitioning from being LD to CD before we can be married.



                      My SO and I have not talked about marriage and kids yet, except in hypotheticals haha, but I've known for most of the time we've been dating that I can't imagine my future without him in it. Pretty much realised I wanted to marry him after about 5-6 weeks! I don't think it's too soon for you to feel that way, and every adult in my life keeps telling me "When you know, you know!" I still want to wait until my late 20s anyways haha.

                      Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                      Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                      Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                        I think its perfectly normal to want to spend the rest of your life with the person you love. I love my boyfriend and one day I would like to settle down with him and I've known that for awhile now. Although I'm completely not ready to be marry, I don't think its ridiculous for me to think about the possibilities.

                        Best of luck to you two lovebirds....
                        Not to get clever
                        but with you I see forever
                        But whatever it is,
                        Here's to you,
                        I Love You Kid...

