I had this all written out and it was eaten with an internet hiccup. At least it lets me gather my thoughts again..
I'd love to hear from the guys on this as well if anyone is willing to give me some opinions.
I met my SO online in Second Life. Before we met in person we were engaged there, and we were married there after our first RL meeting. To say we have always been somewhat serious would be an understatement. We pretty much knew the night we met that there was something we needed to explore about this. We were both, at the time, in failing marriages and all was over except the breakup and legal paperwork. In any case, "us" had nothing to do with those breakups… they just paralleled each other in some strange ways.
Fast forward to when we met in person and remembering we were already engaged in SL, as we sat kissing hello and touching fingers… just exploring this person who we had grown so close to online he tipped my face up to his and said “I wish I could ask you to marry me” to which I smiled and said “Soon”. We had discussed this, but both knew we had a long ways to go before that was a decision for RL.
In any case, 2 months after we met in person I moved here to be closer to him. Though we didn’t plan it that way we wound up living together and I have absolutely no regrets. There was an adjustment sure, but we are closer now than ever before and both still feel like we are with our soulmates.
So what’s the problem you ask? We are both still working through divorces for various reasons. We recently moved from an apartment into his house and in the process of cleaning out junk left by his ex, I found a ton of wedding stuff she left behind. Now understand, I’m a romantic but I’ve never had a big frilly wedding. I’ve never even had an engagement ring. The wedding we had on Second Life was as close as I’ve ever come and it was very sweet – a combination of traditional ring vows and Wiccan handfasting where we basically pledged ourselves to each other through all of our lives rather than just to death do us part. (I will add that we also pledged to each other via webcam one night just prior to our meeting in person.. that was face to face more or less and omg intense.) I still read back through that transcript and the wedding transcript and feel all giggly and can’t stop smiling. Because we were together outside the game I guess it held a little more significance but we remain married there still, though we rarely if ever log in.
In any case, since I found all that stuff she left behind I cannot get my mind off of a wedding. I swore I’d never get married again but he took my feet right out from under me. I catch myself looking at dresses and things online and wondering how we can incorporate the same type of ceremony into a real life wedding. I daren’t say anything to him because I don’t want to freak him the hell out.. you know how guys are hehe… but still, I just catch myself day dreaming and doodling my “married” name and all sorts of besotted silly school girl stuff. He laughs about being “happy unmarried” from now on and I admit it stings a little, and maybe I’m just impatient… yes I do realize we need to finish the legalities we are both working on but still. Our lives now are just like a married couple in all but name... we share bills and we share finances, we discuss payments and truthfully, we have more together in 8 months time than my ex and I did in 8 years time. Am I rushing to want to hear him talk like that again and have some kind of promise?
Please shoot me.. I feel like I’m being really silly about this. I’m not mad, or upset with him.. I just can’t stop daydreaming about standing there with him and knowing we are finally one like we both feel we have been in lives past and present.
I posted this in the wedding forum rather than general because we have progressed way past the stage most are at there and I’m really looking for some insight. Am I being silly or self destructive?
Please … just.. shoot.. me… >.<

I met my SO online in Second Life. Before we met in person we were engaged there, and we were married there after our first RL meeting. To say we have always been somewhat serious would be an understatement. We pretty much knew the night we met that there was something we needed to explore about this. We were both, at the time, in failing marriages and all was over except the breakup and legal paperwork. In any case, "us" had nothing to do with those breakups… they just paralleled each other in some strange ways.
Fast forward to when we met in person and remembering we were already engaged in SL, as we sat kissing hello and touching fingers… just exploring this person who we had grown so close to online he tipped my face up to his and said “I wish I could ask you to marry me” to which I smiled and said “Soon”. We had discussed this, but both knew we had a long ways to go before that was a decision for RL.
In any case, 2 months after we met in person I moved here to be closer to him. Though we didn’t plan it that way we wound up living together and I have absolutely no regrets. There was an adjustment sure, but we are closer now than ever before and both still feel like we are with our soulmates.
So what’s the problem you ask? We are both still working through divorces for various reasons. We recently moved from an apartment into his house and in the process of cleaning out junk left by his ex, I found a ton of wedding stuff she left behind. Now understand, I’m a romantic but I’ve never had a big frilly wedding. I’ve never even had an engagement ring. The wedding we had on Second Life was as close as I’ve ever come and it was very sweet – a combination of traditional ring vows and Wiccan handfasting where we basically pledged ourselves to each other through all of our lives rather than just to death do us part. (I will add that we also pledged to each other via webcam one night just prior to our meeting in person.. that was face to face more or less and omg intense.) I still read back through that transcript and the wedding transcript and feel all giggly and can’t stop smiling. Because we were together outside the game I guess it held a little more significance but we remain married there still, though we rarely if ever log in.
In any case, since I found all that stuff she left behind I cannot get my mind off of a wedding. I swore I’d never get married again but he took my feet right out from under me. I catch myself looking at dresses and things online and wondering how we can incorporate the same type of ceremony into a real life wedding. I daren’t say anything to him because I don’t want to freak him the hell out.. you know how guys are hehe… but still, I just catch myself day dreaming and doodling my “married” name and all sorts of besotted silly school girl stuff. He laughs about being “happy unmarried” from now on and I admit it stings a little, and maybe I’m just impatient… yes I do realize we need to finish the legalities we are both working on but still. Our lives now are just like a married couple in all but name... we share bills and we share finances, we discuss payments and truthfully, we have more together in 8 months time than my ex and I did in 8 years time. Am I rushing to want to hear him talk like that again and have some kind of promise?
Please shoot me.. I feel like I’m being really silly about this. I’m not mad, or upset with him.. I just can’t stop daydreaming about standing there with him and knowing we are finally one like we both feel we have been in lives past and present.
I posted this in the wedding forum rather than general because we have progressed way past the stage most are at there and I’m really looking for some insight. Am I being silly or self destructive?
Please … just.. shoot.. me… >.<