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Changing your last name

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    You can call me Mrs. Dogshit if it means I get to be married to my love.

    Serioulsy, I would love to take his name. We both have French sounding first names and his Dutch last name would match mine well. I do worry about my business contract, but I hope an alias will work for that. We do have a "tax name" you can use in USA, I just have to look up how to do that.
    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
    Benjamin Franklin


      Early in our relationship I always wanted to take on his last name, but as our wedding is in a year, I've come to think "...but this has always been my name D:...and if I do decide to change it, I'll be sad to see my last name go, not so much because of carrying on the family name or whatever (I have a brother for that :P)... But because my last name has always been part of who I am :0. I'll probably end up changing it, and I think he really wants me to as well since it reinforces the whole we are a family thing.


        While I would be perfectly happy (and thrilled) to use my SO's last name socially, I would never change it on my SSN, etc. In my last marriage (don't judge) I added his last name to mine, no hyphen, just the two names. Then finally after about 5 years I had my work email, etc. changed. Then I dropped using my maiden name except on legal documents. I thought after all that time it was safe to do so. ;-p Little did I know. We've been divorced for four years now and I am STILL getting items every once in a while that are addressed to my former name. I'm closing in on 50 and I guess I am just more practical/pragmatic than I was when I was younger.


          I would change my last name but make my maiden name a second middle name

          *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

          We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!


            I would take my GF's name just because it's short like my first name.

            My GF is fixed on the idea of taking my last name. I'm impartial to it really.


              I'll never change my name again. I did it with the first marriage, and I hated it. If my SO was super stuck on me having his last name I may consider hyphenating it, but even then I have my doubts. I like my maiden name. It suits me.


                I would definitely want to take my SO's last name. It's really, really long, and he is literally the only person on the face of the earth to have it - it's a hyphenation of his mum's and grandpa's. He's very traditional in some ways, and I know how much it would mean to him, and I'm also so tired of my own last name! I am the butt-end of so many jokes, and noone can pronounce it, hahah. I'm very excited to do so!


                  If we're ever getting married, I'll take my SO's name and I'm actually excited about it. My SO's last name is not very common and sounds foreign and interesting. I hate my last name, it sounds ridiculous :/


                    I have always wanted to change my name when I get married but now being 99% sure that I'm going to marry my SO (one day) I don't think I could handle his surname :/ I know that sounds really mean but I have watched his little sisters teased at school because their surname can be used in a sexual context and I want to join the Police force and don't think I could cope with having a "sexual" referencing surname in a position like that


                      I don't think I ever considered not changing my last name when I get married. I grew up with a hyphenated last name. Both names are long and hard to spell, and although I love having a unique last name, after a while I just get tired of spelling it, or people mispronouncing it. If I do end up marrying my boyfriend, I would love taking his last name. It's not too long, it's fun to say and it's spelled exactly as it's pronounced! I remember once getting so frustrated about having such a complicated last name while on the phone with my SO, that he joked "I can help change that" aha it was cute.
                      started dating: 12/08/12
                      "i love you": 04/12/13
                      el paso: 07/24/13 - 08/05/13
                      montreal: 12/13/13 - 01/03/14
                      el paso: 01/05/14 - 01/19/14
                      montreal: 05/30/14 - 07/27/14
                      el paso: 07/27/14 - 08/18/14
                      el paso: 12/27/14 - 01/16/15
                      el paso: 06/02/15 - 08/17/15
                      san antonio: 02/04/16 - 02/08/16
                      san antonio/el paso: 06/03/16 - 06/21/16


                        I'm not traditional about a lot of things, but I'm traditional about this. I've kind of always looked forward to changing my last name. I was tormented relentlessly by kids in school for my last name. They used to break my name up and taunt me with Amber Pet (the) Tit. I want to rid myself of the negative memories that go along with my current last name. Though I'll admit, if I marry my current SO my name is going to sound kind of funny, but I'll deal with it.
                        "You want for myself
                        You get me like no one else
                        I am beautiful with you

                        I am beautiful with you
                        Even in the darkest part of me
                        I am beautiful with you
                        Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
                        You're here with me
                        Just show me this and I'll believe
                        I am beautiful with you"



                          I'm one of those people with a very unique last name - people find me so easily on Facebook because I am the only one with this first name - last name combo!

                          However I am so sick and tired of people saying it wrong. I have gotten used to my professors saying it wrong, and it's spelled wrong 90% of the time. My boyfriend has a very generic name and I can't wait to take it one day, lol. I have considered hyphenating, because while my last name is annoying I am proud of my heritage.. but he says he wants us to have the same name so if I hyphenate, he wants to hyphenate too!
                          So, here you are
                          too foreign for home
                          too foreign for here.
                          Never enough for both.

                          Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                            I'm a bit torn on this question. I love my name as it is, my first name is very uncommon and my long hyphenated surname is unique to say the least. And yes it is unpractical but I kinda like having a name combination that no one else in the whole world probably has. I do really like my SO's last name too though, and even though we haven't discussed whether or not I should change my name if we get married I am pretty sure he would like me to. So in that case I probably will. And even if I would be a little sad to give up the name I have now I love the idea of sharing a name with him and our children having that name.


                              I will take his last name. I'm proud of my last name and I like it (even though some people tease me about it sometimes :P ), but my American family/friends can't really pronounce it lol. And besides that I'm very traditional and we'll officially be a family that way.


                                I'm nowhere near getting married, nor do I plan to. XD But considering the hypothetical situation that I married my SO in the future, I don't think I would change my last name. Lori isn't my real name: it's a nickname. My real name doesn't sound right with anything other than my current last name. If I were to marry my SO in the future, it would be a sweet sentiment to take my SO's surname because I'd have been looking at it for so long. But since he's Dutch, I don't even think I can pronounce his surname correctly XP am I the only one in this situation?

