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Engagement rings for two?

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    Engagement rings for two?

    So I was wondering something...

    Is it strange if both the boy and the girl wear engagement rings? I know I don't see it often, but since my boyfriend is so on the fence about who should propose it occurred to me that this might be an interesting way to do it. Obviously one person would have to do the proposing first... but I was thinking it might be fun to have both have a ring so it's a mutual happy agreement. Does that make sense to everyone else? Thoughts on the matter? And, of course, would you ever think of doing something like this?

    I don't think it would really be something me and my SO would do. If it works for you and your SO though then go for it, who cares if it is a common practice or not. I remember reading in a past post you said that he wanted you to propose, would you be cool with that? Maybe you could have an engagement date where you go out on a date and make it an official engagement where you both ask each other you could each have engagement vows and rings so that neither feels jipped about not being the asked one. I think I am getting off topic though. I read an article about the history of engagement rings a couple weeks ago and in the 20's some jewelry company tried to advertise male engagement rings but they massively flopped.


      I think it's common in places like Finland... or somewhere over there *makes a vauge gesture*

      I can't see why it wouldn't work though. Are you thinking maybe you propose to him first and then he "thinks about it" and answers with a ring/proposal too?
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Originally posted by Zephii View Post
        I think it's common in places like Finland... or somewhere over there *makes a vauge gesture*

        I can't see why it wouldn't work though. Are you thinking maybe you propose to him first and then he "thinks about it" and answers with a ring/proposal too?
        Either one. I'm not entirely sure ^^;;; It bears some thought and conversation.


          Cool cool ^^,

          For us that wouldn't have worked. It's always been me pushing the relationship forward. So if Obi wasn't the one to propose then I'd never be able to be 100% sure that this is truly what he wanted. I'd feel like I'd bullied him into it or something.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            I really like that idea!! Then maybe the engagement ring could double as a wedding band?


              I think this is a good idea I thought it was a bit unusual at first but have warmed up to the idea a lot because I realized I think that's what my boyfriend would like to do as he has mentioned having one when he was previously engaged, and I didn't want to say "that's weird.." because I think it's cool, I'd be happy him wearing one too because it physically shows that we're both engaged and not just me! lol When I think of it I don't get why it's not commonplace... being engaged involves both people. He's from the UK/England so it might be a bigger thing there, but I think it might just be him wanting that physical sign of commitment too? I'm not sure. But long story short, I think it's a great idea to both have engagement rings!


                Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                I really like that idea!! Then maybe the engagement ring could double as a wedding band?
                That's kind of what my SO did, actually. After we picked it out and I bought his wedding band, he loved it so much he wanted to wear it all the time. Before he left after the last visit we had before closing the distance, he took the ring with him. I didn't even tell him to, but he apparently wore his ring non-stop until he came back to get married (and, of course, he wears it all the time now).

                Hey, I was happy to have him wear a ring to show he was taken. So was he!
                My heart belongs to a pilot!


                  In Brazil usually both wear cheaper rings for engagement ring on the ring finger on the right hand when engaged. or the wedding ring already! and if needed be, just get it resized for the left hand, or in cases of cheaper ones for engagment (wooden, sterling silver), the couple usually gets white gold or yellow gold (still more common) for the wedding ring. and it always matches each others.

                  as we didnt get oficially engaged yet, even though we have the wedding date, because i didnt get my ring yet, i didnt have that feeling of wearing a ring while he isnt wearing one. so when he gives me mine he can wear his wedding band as an engagement ring (for 1 month? lol, not much time til the wedding), if not, ok with me as well. (he wants a ring, wich i told him can be sterling silver claddagh ring as a placeholder for now as i dont want him to get in debt for me, and he can give me the real ring afterwards, on our 5th anniversary? or 1st if he can, if not i wait. and afterwards resize the claddagh ring to always wear it on another finger anyway, as it would have emotional value!)

                  but its really important for me to wear the exact same style of wedding band as my husband. usually in brazil the only difference is the womans ring gets a small brilliant stone on hers if she wants. but thats about as much difference as it goes. i didnt want it on mine. i really cant stop looking at the rings, and i love how they look the same, and how shiny they are, and aghhh. sorry, im ranting. just cant wait to be able to wear it everyday. those two months cant pass fast enough.
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    We kind of did this. We had already discussed getting engaged and picked out our gifts online together. I got him a necklace and he got me a ring. Once they had both come, he took me to the park and proposed. And then I said yes and said my own little speech and gave him his necklace. It was really sweet and I didn't mind not being surprised. It felt like we were making the decision together.


                      I think my SO plans on proposing without a ring. I think it's perfect because the fact that only women get the engagement ring just sits wrong with me. I'd feel like he just captured me or bought my love with a shiny token..

                      I would like to exchange matching promise rings after he pops the question. I want to show the world we belong to each other

                      Married: June 9th, 2015


                        Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                        I really like that idea!! Then maybe the engagement ring could double as a wedding band?
                        this is standard for a lot of cultures, including the three of which i'm a product
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                        And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                        ~Richard Bach

                        “Always,” said Snape.

