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XBox Live. . . totally saving my relationship

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    XBox Live. . . totally saving my relationship

    OKay, well not saving, but helping immensely. My SO and I both love video games and we play them a lot during our free time. Unfortunately it makes it difficult for us to chat via phone or text messaging while we play, because we'd have to keep pausing our games. So for part of my Christmas present he bought me an Xbox live subscription. Now we not only get to talk while we play, but we can play together too.

    It's so much fun and I'm so glad he did it.

    YES, it did the same thing for us. I don't know if any of you guys have edates, but my boyfriend and I do. He gave me a 3-month subscription to xbox live and one to Netflix .... we get to watch anything we want together and play games together. It's really so much fun. Our edates were always fun, but this has really helped us feel closer.

    I LOVE xbox live and what it's done to my relationship.


      I only have xbox live so I can play online with my old SO and his friends, I feel a part of their group and they include me in their games Whilst it can get a bit intense at times with all the competition and stuff, it's been really good fun on the whole!


        Shout out for the PSN!

        My So and i both have PS3's and spent around 8 hours playing uncharted on new years eve. It was an all nighter for me but totally worth it! We have so much fun, killing each other or teaming up and killing everybody else.
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


          Xbox live is a life saver! My Boyfriend and I are just two geeks in love and Xbox helps us to talk while we play and play together but gives us the ability to talk and text photos at the same time which is very useful late at night when feeling frisky or lonely.

          Finding myself.


            I loooove Xbox live, I actually met my boyfriend on it. It is so much fun playing video games with him, other then him totally talking shit to other players sometimes. hehe we are a total gamer couple. ;D He actually let me use his cousins email to his Netflix so now I can watch movies with him as well.


              Me and my boyfriend met on it too! I've always loved video games, and love going on them with him Unfortunately, I now only have half an hour on my xbox a day. So we are now on msn constantly, and I recently bought him Skyrim, so I restarted it to go through it with him and help him


                I use my PS3 to chat and play video games with my SO. We actually met on PSN.
                PSN love
                Last edited by jdwate; June 28, 2012, 11:13 PM.


                  Yes. This is my main source of communication with my so when he's home. We chat all the time.
                  He doesn't have gold atm so we mainly do our own thing and talk in private chat, but, when he does have a subscription, it's nice to be able to game with him or listen to him rage with his friends in a party. XD

                  I'm thinking about surprising him with a 3 month subscription when I go to visit him this summer. I think it'd be nice for him so that he can chat with his friends again (he doesn't really talk with them much anymore because he stays in chat with me and says that he doesn't wanna leave) and I can still spend time with him as well.
                  "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
                  This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

                  "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
                  Por siempre, mi amor. ♥


                    My SO and I are talking on xbox right now XD It's great just to hear the other. It's great playing together, watching movies, trash talking random people haha. It's really fun to get all competitive with him too. I think xbox is what keeps my LDR together

