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    Hey yall

    I was wondering if anyone has ever worked as a guide for ChaCha (the question answering site) before and what they thought of it? I was thinking about doing it to earn extra money to see my SO in Australia.

    I actually did for a while. I mean personally i thought you make next to nothing. It wasn't hard to do or anything but it was just not anything I felt like keeping up with for such little money. BUT! I think with you traveling so far every little bit of money can do you some good =). Give it a try and see how you like it. I guess if you have a few hours every day to spare, or even do it while you watching tv it could eventually add up! Good luck =)


      Thank you! I think I'll give it a go


        that would be really cool! you should do it! haha


          I've also done this. Again, as previously stated, its not a great way to make a lot of money. In fact I never even set up the bank account to collect mine. But if your desperate for a job or cash it is an interesting way to make a little spare money.

          Finding myself.


            Oh yeah, I've already got my regular job. This doesn't sound to bad for side money.


              I did that for a few months and would have to recommend against it. In total, it averaged to $0.50 an hour for me; not worth it unless you really enjoy it. I would definitely suggest picking up a hobby that can create some income (learn to knit hats, stuffed animals, or make other hand-made things that you can sell on Etsy for example). That way, even if you don't make as much money as you wanted, at least you had fun doing it!

