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Wireless Adapter

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    Wireless Adapter

    I'm looking for a wireless adapter for my desktop. I thought I had one somewhere, but apparently not. Any suggestions? I found these 3 on Amazon, but I don't know if I should trust the reviews. Thoughts?

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    The reviews are frankly the most honest part about Amazon, but you always have to read a few positives and a few negatives in order to be sure. The negatives are important because you see why some people gave it a low rating (sometimes it's for petty or inappropriate reasons, like "shipping took forever" or "I didn't like the color") and you foresee any issues you might have with it. Sometimes, like in the most helpful review for the AirLink one, people have already encountered issues and post solutions that will be helpful to you there.

    The last one (AirLink) looks really great in my opinion. If you get that one, just make sure you get the right drivers like the reviews say.
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      If I were you, I'd try and spend a little bit more for a wireless adapter. Nothing shits me more than a poor internet signal, and that's what you'll probably get with cheap ones. If you're looking for something reliable and worth the money you pay for, try something from Netgear or D-Link.

