Available for iPad, iPhone, and can be accessed from the website couple.me. It's the best thing since Betty White. It's a social media app just for you and your companion. You enter your information and your partner's information and they do the same and it connects just the two of you. It has these adorable little pug stickers as emoticons, you can take pictures in app and send them, but it won't save to your phone automatically
You can also record and send videos the same way. When you are busy but miss your companion there's a button you can press that sends them a "Thinking of You" message with a lil thought bubble. There's live drawing so you can draw together on the same page in real time and then single drawing so you can draw them something and then send it to them. You can send them your location so that they can see where in the world you are. There's also a part of it called thumb kiss where, if you are using something with a touch screen, it will read where your finger is and send it to them as a finger print. You can see it move around as they do and when they touch each other the device vibrates and turns red. It's pretty freaking adorable. I've been using it with my partner for months and we use it while he's at work or I'm training and we update each other. It has a nice interface and colours. You can choose profile photos and backround photos to customise. It also comes with a calendar so you can share birthdays and anniversaries and visit days and a list creator so you can write down all the cool junk you wanna do together. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for something a little more adorable than whatsapp. Technology is great!!
