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Which tech item do you use the most for talking?

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    Which tech item do you use the most for talking?

    Personally me and my SO use our cell phones the most and we are usually texting through most of the day, every night we talk on the phone for a bit before he goes to sleep. Sometimes we skype but not that often.
    What do you use the most as far as talking to your SO?
    Aim? Skype or some other type of webcam? Email? Text Message? Or just talking on the phone?

    Madly in love with Michael

    It's a tie between texting and Msn webcam. It's aboout 50/50


      Google Talk, pretty much exclusively. Much nicer than Skype, if you've never tried it.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        When I call him, I use rebtel (their rates are a bit cheaper than skype's). When he goes to an internet place and we webcam, we use skype.


          I call him sometimes with my international calling card through cellphone, otherwise, we will IM/vid call over QQ.


            Msn mainly,and if we can a phone call maybe twice a week, time differences suck!!
            As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


              I use my phone the most, as I can text and also email too. Plus take pictures and vids to send to my SO. I carry it with me everywhere.

              And talking to my SO, we use Google Talk. I agree with Moon, it's much better than skype, the video quality is better, and it seems a bit more reliable.


                We use gmail chat and skype w/ webcam at night. We tried to use the gmail talk, but for some reason it wouldn't load on my SO's computer.


                  We use Skype the most, followed closely by gchat text. Now that he's working, I think gchat will quickly outweigh Skype...

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    I'll have to check out that Google Talk because lately me and my SO keep having issues with Skype

                    Madly in love with Michael


                      He has his phone set up with Yahoo, and that's how I text him.
                      We text chat mostly through yahoo; that seems to be the one we've stuck with.
                      We constantly have troubles with video quality and reliability; so we're almost constantly switching between Yahoo, Skype and Logitech (its this free program that comes with a webcam when you buy it with it, and you can use it with other people who have Logitech cams.)
                      However, a lot of people are saying that Gchat is good...might have to check it out.
                      Our main way of communicating is through webcam and texting.
                      We did go through a phone phase as well--we both have phone cards, my SO used almost of his up, so we haven't really been talking. I have one, but it sucks so I haven't used it yet (bad consumer decision) and even then if i just call from my house, it's about 4 cents a minute. I really should call him, but I just don't know when would be a good time because we try to limit our talking during the week so he can focus on his schooling, and then on the weekends we just webcam. Haha. I guess I shall just surprise him..again.


                        Mostly MSN, Facebook and texting. We try to call each other every few weeks on the phone, but it's hard because we're both so busy with college and assignments. Once in a blue moon, we'll go on ooVoo.

                        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                          When I'm home, we are always on MSN or Skype.

                          When I'm not home, I text him from my phone to his msn.


                            He uses his skype to call me on my landline number, which is included in my cell phone plan. When my internet's having a good day (which has been quite frequently lately. YAY! We both go on skype and cam)

                            Oh and throughout the day we text, I mainly text him from the net, because intl texts are quite expensive for me.

                            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                              We're always texting or on the phone. Sometimes we talk online though. So mainly it's the phone

