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web cam app for android and iphone?

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    web cam app for android and iphone?

    Quite frankly skype is crap when it comes to webcaming. The Picture is blury, pixalated, and fuzzy.

    I tried google webcam but couldnt find it in the app section. I want something we can each use on our phones. He has an i phone Ihave an android. His computer is messed up so we need something we can use on our phones.

    Any good webcam apps that are free ?
    " There is always hope.

    I am wondering if the Facebook video chat would work on phones? I looked at some webcam apps and they all look crappy :/


      I'm gonna see how oovoo works
      " There is always hope.


        Oovoo is pretty nice. you could also try downloading the "Pair" app and using the video chat feature? I don't know if it will work droid to iPhone, but it's worth a shot! and if not, the app is pretty cute :3 (me and my SO use it.) hope this helps!!


          LOL we use oovoo, skype, pair, facetime, and tango. We use them all becuse none of them are perfect so when ones screwing up we move on to the next one. Good luck!


            We have pair but the video chat ist on the android version for some reason. But we can still email videos
            " There is always hope.


              My 'app store' is refusing to let me check but does google talk/hang out/google plus for iphone/android work? A lot of google's stuff works on both phones..


                Pair is amazing I'd recommend using it. Maybe try tango? I've heard that's a good app.


                  We use tango when put and about an FaceTime when we are home and in wifi.
                  I Love My Beautiful Sonya!!!


                    Originally posted by rixue View Post
                    I am wondering if the Facebook video chat would work on phones? I looked at some webcam apps and they all look crappy :/
                    The reason for this is, and yes the Facebook video chat feature is included in this list, that all these webcam apps run through Skype. Google talk is the only exception when it comes to popular webcam apps and is totally built on its own software.
                    To be honest, it always depends on your guys' Internet connection AND the webcam build in your device. If you want a better picture then try upgrading your Internet plan and get a HD webcam. They don't come in very cheap, but they are totally worth the better picture. This only works if you AND your SO have a fast Internet connection. Most often it is not the app's fault but the factors around it.
                    If you are using Skype on mobile devices like cell phones or tablets then the fastest Internet connection won't help you since most of the built in webcams don't live up to the standard of a desktop computer cam. ... ...unless you have the brand new Samsung galaxy SIII. that phone is just sick. But there comes the next problem. The second camera that cell phones use for video chats are usually lower in quality than the ones on the backside of the phone. The reason is that the current 3G standard was not able to handle high resolution video streams. I hope this changes since the new 4G (or LTE for the peeps in Europe) standard has been introduced. I have an iPhone, but Helen has the SIII. And I am just blown away by its power.

