This was in a e-newsletter I get. I thought it was a good LDR idea to share. 
Poem of the Day
by Joshua McDonald
My girlfriend goes to school during the day and works in
the evenings. Every day that she works, I call into her
computer voicemail system (which records voice too), and read
a poem onto her voicemail while playing romantic music in
the background. Sometimes they are poems I have written and
sometimes poems that others have written (good selection at">

Poem of the Day
by Joshua McDonald
My girlfriend goes to school during the day and works in
the evenings. Every day that she works, I call into her
computer voicemail system (which records voice too), and read
a poem onto her voicemail while playing romantic music in
the background. Sometimes they are poems I have written and
sometimes poems that others have written (good selection at">