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Ah, old friend Skype. Yeah, amazing tool to keep your close that are far away close. Actually I'm skyping with him right now ^^ And we can watch some clips there too. He has promised to read a goodnight-story at Skype when he have find something good to read for me, so cute and awesome!
we use.. facebook calls, and whatsapp calls, and selfies and even call each "normally" if need be... but SKYPE, Skype is life! like swisslover said. we get to see each other everyday, and walk around, laugh at our face expressions ( he is hilarious) I feel like I'm closer to him, less alone. it def would've been harder without it.
We use everything whatsapp txt, whatsapp calls, facetime... you name it! But Skype... Oh Skype! What would we do without you! We Skype everyday and at any available moment! This weekend we were not able to do it because he didn't have phone service were he was at and that reassured us how important is Skype for us !
FaceTime means the world to the two of us. It is crazy but sometimes I forget she is on the screen and I end up touching the screen. I really don't know if we could do without it...
When I was in another relationship (another LD), my ex hated Skye. I so badly wanted to see his face but I can count on one hand how many times we actually did in the two years we were together... I just cannot function like that.
With the guy I am talking with now, we Skype nearly daily and for hours at a time. I love it.
Man I have been so scared skyping with someone or somebody before! But when he came, I have thought. Enaa! Take a goddamn risk for you have chosen this LDR path. There would be no other way for you to see and talk to each other but video chatting ;_; And whenever I saw him on skype and hes staring at me oh goodness what would I even talk when my freaking voice wont even come out xD
I should start learnin to talk on skype >.> I just feel like mt voice is weird and awkward for him to listen =.=
Skype (or some form of video and voice chat) is essential to the survival of a LDR. Amber and I don't Skype every day, but it's at least 2 to 3 times a week, usually the latter half of the week because of my work schedule. We've started watching movies recently since I've restarted my Netflix (2-screen subscription of course). But usually we're just talking, or sometimes not even talking all that much. I just like the illusion of being in the same room together just kind of living life, doing what we'd normally be doing except we can't cuddle while we're doing it. During lulls in conversation we still look up at each other and air kiss or make silly faces. We're both silly weirdos. It's just comfortable. I normally hate silence on the phone, but with her it's not awkward and there's no pressure. I love it. We've gone on a couple Skype dates, but those have been less fun due to connection issues. We're going to try places with free WiFi in the future. Haha.
When my SO and I skyped for the first time, it really boosted our relationship forward. I believe that Skype is essential in an LDR. It is the best tool out there for communication, and the best tool for webcam use. I think a couple needs that form of communication, and connection to stay strong in an LDR. At the moment, my husband and I do not skype every day, however we do try to skype at least once to twice a week, when we both have the free time to do so. While we skype, we usually either play a game together, or just talk to each other about life and the news. We will often share youtube videos to each other, or stream movies to watch together. Skype is really easy to use. I have it on my phone, and on my pc. It's better than text messaging since it is free. Instead of text messaging, we will just skype message each other throughout the day, when we are not voicing.
We finally did Skype this week with video call and now it's all I want to do, which is frustrating because for various reasons we haven't been able to since that one day. It's either the internet connection cutting out, or some other technical difficulty. Not to mention, the time difference is so big. It's so hard to schedule a time to Skype. Even on weekends when I try to be available, I'll get an email saying he needs to rest. I'm going crazy now. A part of me wishes we never did the video call because now that's all I want - to hear his voice and see his smile. Ugh!
Wish we'd have skyped more through the four months he's been gone. Last time was friday the 16th of sept. The internet connection is pretty bad where he is and he's there for work so he's busy.. And works night shifts every two weeks so we try to Skype every two weeks, but we call on the phone every couple of days, chat and Snapchat everyday.
Last edited by OtantikTin; September 26, 2016, 07:10 PM.